[Choose #3] An eel in Hawaii and trout at Gilboa quarry. I’ve also taken a can of Chesse Whiz to local lakes.
[Choose #3] I’ve done it! It’s fun!
[Choose #3] Not a hotdog (don’t want to poison the fish) but other, less toxic items
[Choose #3] i often did it :) by spraying the food to the little fish on the reefs, using mix of bread+rice, shake it with water in a bottle. The reef fishs love it so much.. ;)
[Choose #3] Haigh Quarry - Kankakee, IL they loved hotdogs!
[Choose #1] gave sausages to eels in vortex springs and a shark took a flounder from pole spear
[Choose #4] A lot of the fish I encounter seem as interested in me as I am in them. I have spotlighted minnows for bass while night diving.
Repa - 4/15/2011 10:45 AM
[Choose #2] would substitute a vegie patty for a hotdog
[Choose #4] I found out feeding fish can be dangerous with bare hands!
[Choose #3] I have started several feeding frenzies for students on top of the bus at Gilboa Quarry in Ohio. That’s usually the highlight of the open water weekend.
[Choose #2] I’ve seen some fish I wouldn’t want to get that close to. What a great phot op!
[Choose #1] Just feeding them by hand is enough excitement thanks
[Choose #3] Only if being sick and "chumming" counts..
[Choose #4] I have while snorkeling.
[Choose #4] This has been tried and although it works out most of the time . There would be that one time you lose half your face
[Choose #1] does being attacked by a cabezon count as "feeding a fish"?....
Agojo - 4/13/2011 5:02 PM
[Choose #1] Have crumbled it up around my face and the fish will swim around your head and into your mask (during night dive).
AirOn - 3/06/2011 7:36 PM
[Choose #2] I thought this was going to be a puke through your regulator post...lol
[Choose #4] Cheese whiz and fish food, Fun stuff watching fish swarm for food.
[Choose #4] A really, really bad idea.
[Choose #1] Besides being a good way to lose the tip of your nose of your lips, it alters the fish’s natural behavior. The result is usually a fish that gets caught & killed for being too agressive.
[Choose #4] haven’t tried a hotdog from mouth but have fed brim cheeze whiz
[Choose #4] Depends on the species ayyempting to feed
[Choose #4] Come on now really? This is what they call cleaning the gene pool!!!!!! lol
theop - 2/03/2011 10:35 AM
[Choose #1] i do not agree with feeding wild animals
[Choose #4] No but my crazy husband has.. YUMMY!!
[Choose #2] fish; not shark right?
[Choose #4] But I held 3 pieces of Watermelon up to my neck and submerged myself to my chin allowing dozens of fish to devour it causing large chunks of red Flesh to go flying, while screaming, "THEY’RE EATING MY HEAD!"
[Choose #1] I knew a guy that feeds barracudas that way down in Key Largo...has some nasty scars on his face now.
[Choose #4] i was with divers who had, but i have not personaly done it while diving
[Choose #1] Would not...not because of fear but because I don’t believe in fish feeding.
[Choose #4] Two words.. WILD ANIMAL.
[Choose #1] i’ve seen what happens when you open the pack too soon and try to keep hot dogs from them. sharks are not the only fish who go into a feeding frenzy and even if a catfish can’t kill you it will still hurt and leave a mark for some time
[Choose #3] Tried it once. Nearly lost a finger to a moray eel. Still have scars. muy estúpido
[Choose #1] Hot dogs aren’t good for you!
Laura - 1/29/2011 4:26 PM
[Choose #1] Don’t Do It!! fish feeding can have disastrous effects on the health of coral reefs and reef fish.
[Choose #2] It wasn’t a hot dog.
[Choose #2] Wonder how many stiches would be needed to repair face from offering a hot dog to a barracuda?
[Choose #4] Noy a hotdog but have brought commercial pellted foods down or cut up local food source while underwater
[Choose #1] Doesn’t fit with my "leave only footprints" philosophy.
[Choose #4] No, you are canging the way the fish behave. Leave nothing but bubbles.
[Choose #4] ever see the footage of the diver kissing the lemon shark......lost a lip!
[Choose #1] I wouldn’t feed the fish something I wouldn’t eat myself and besides a hotdog doesn’t breath the same as my regulator.
[Choose #1] i think,if you tryed..taking your reg out,then if the fish go into a frenzy,as they do ,competing for food,you could possibly (a) loose your reg swotting them off - dangerous (b) put it back in,still to have fish try to feed n that area, knock it out
[Choose #1] Not for me !!!
[Choose #4] I work at an aquarium, so i feed fish all the time. I discourage it, however, in the ocean.
[Choose #1] In the Texas lakes I usually chunk up the hot dog and let the bits float around me. I had a catfish bite through my 3mm glove going for one in my hand...I can’t imagine it in the mouth/lips.
[Choose #4] the only fish i would let NEAR my hot dog- would be a - PUFFER !!
scott - 1/28/2011 5:14 PM
[Choose #4] I did like the shark dive in Grand Bahama but I think we shouldn’t mess with thier feeding
[Choose #2] Holding a reg and a hot dog in your mouth at the same time? I gotta see that picture.