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Frank from Punta Gorda FL | Scuba Diver

My scuba adventure began late in life for me...after retiring, although I managed to do that at what some may think as an early age...and although it`s only been a few years, my excitement for adventure is heightened with the anticipation of each and every dive...I enjoy the unending learning that I undertake as I continue my personal education of diving and the certifications available...As I obtain new certifications, which always reinforce my understanding of the "basics" of diving, while at the same time, helping me to enhance and grow as a diver....all the while I become more proficient and more importantly, safer for me and my buddies, in all I do in the undersea world. Besides the wonder of what goes on in the sea, my fondest discovery lies with the people I have met along the way as my adventures continue. I have expanded my dive related experiences by traveling to many exotic destinations and other areas of the U.S.A. One of my fondest accomplishments in diving has been the formation of a dive club within our community civic association, the "PGI Dive Club" (PGI aka Punta Gorda Isles) We have started a nice club with a good mix of divers of all abilities...check out our website at Hope to meet many of my online buddies sometime and hopefully, see you "down at the bottom".


Caloosa - 3/03/2013 1:16 PM
Looking for any dive info on Carbarete, Dominican Republic...sites, operators, etc. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Caloosa - 12/25/2012 8:19 AM
Merry Christmas
Caloosa - 11/22/2012 3:46 AM
Wishing you all a Happy and safe Thanksgiving!
Caloosa - 10/25/2012 4:45 AM
Hurricane Sandy changes our diving for us this weekend in Key Largo...
Caloosa - 9/21/2012 4:53 PM
Looking for dive buddy for some Fl. East Coast diving, most likelly, Wed Oct 31 thru Friday, Nov. 2...possibly lobstering...let me know if your up for a couple days of diving anywhere from Jupiter down through the Fort Lauderdale area.
Jupitermermaid - 9/25/2012 5:32 AM
Any day you want to dive in Jupiter, I’m in! Of course, we’d have to dive with Jupiter Dive Center.
Caloosa - 9/14/2012 8:51 AM
Anyone up for Venice Beach tomorrow? Let me know!
Caloosa - 9/10/2012 7:26 AM
Our PGI Dive Club, ,has openings for divers on our Oct. 28 & 29 dive trip to Key me if you’re interested in doing the trip...$65 for each day of two tank diving; we’re doing the afternoon trip on Saturday and the morning trip on Sunday...air tanks and weights included in the advanced certificates needed for our itinerary. Contact me via this website.
Caloosa - 8/31/2012 8:25 AM
I’m diving the Mohawk on
Sunday with Jim Joseph from Fantasea Scuba. Attention all buddies in
the Punta Gorda area: Mark October 25th on your calendar. Mike
Campbell, Senior
Environmental Specialist Lee County Department of Natural Resources -
Marine Division, is scheduled to speak at October 25th meeting of our PGI Dive Club at 7 PM about the sinking
of the 165’ USCG cutter Mohawk, which was sunk on July 2nd, 30 miles off Sanibel/Captiva. The meeting will take place at the Punta Gorda Isles Civic
Association building located at 2001 Shreve Street in Punta Gorda.
This meeting will be open to all, if you have any questions please
contact via a message on this site.
Caloosa - 7/14/2012 12:02 PM
Anyone going diving? send me a message...let me know when & where and I’ll try to get on board...
Caloosa - 5/06/2012 10:27 AM
Looking for a dive buddy for East Coast of Florida diving from May 18-21...anyone out there interested in joining me?