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Suggest Questions for 2010 Scuba Diver Survey
Greg - 1/24/2010 9:55 AM
Category: General
Replies: 24

I’m going to be creating the 2010 Scuba Diver Survey soon. Last year we had an amazing response (over 1000 divers) and I expect the same this year.

Please reply to this forum topic and let me know what questions (and suggested answer choices) you’d like me to ask on the survey.

Thank you for being a member of!

Greg Davis
Owner and Member #1
DalelynnSims - 1/24/2010 10:40 AM

1. What is the one thing that would allow you to continue your diving education?
- Cost
- Availability
- More personal attention during training

2. After/during open water training did your instructor take the time to explain the various dive educational opportunities you have to make you a better diver?

3. What is the one thing, other than cost, instructors can do to make dive training better for you?

diverpatrick - 1/24/2010 11:13 AM

On a survey I would want the following information. This will help a dive center plan advertising.

E mail, zip code, age, income, what they drive and year, what they drink pop, wine, beer mix, how often they eat out per week are you married married , have kids.

This is needed when we adevertise or look to get support from outside the industry
sudse - 1/24/2010 12:20 PM
My question would be;

When you were trained to dive, what area of training should have received more time and emphasis?

Bob Sutherland
Richcoast - 1/24/2010 12:52 PM

I would like to know who or what makes the decision for dive travel.

what are they looking for on a dive trip?

How do they pick a divecenter on a trip abroad?


RedHatDiver - 1/24/2010 1:56 PM
Is it good for diving that Padi keeps lowering the bar. You can become a Divemaster with below average scores. Surely a Divemaster should be above average. No Dive clubs in the UK SAA, Bsac etc will allow two divers to buddy up if neither has any dive leader or rescue skills yet Padi sanction it.
scubaclay - 1/24/2010 5:58 PM

I am interested in learning what specialities people are interested in doing.

Div4fun - 1/24/2010 10:28 PM
I would like to know how many dives a year most divers average. I think another interesting statistic would be to know how many specialties/ what level of training most divers receive.

DiveTravelAsia - 1/24/2010 11:11 PM
What additions - subtractions would you like to see be made to the PADI Open Water Course?
scubajcf - 1/25/2010 10:48 AM

Are you NITROX Certified?

Highest Level of Training?

Activities other than Scuba? Where does Scuba rank within those Activities?

Drive: Truck, Car, Motorcycle?

Occupation: Blue Collar, White Collar, Retired, Student?

Spouse, Fiance, Partner, Significant Other is Diver: Yes or No?

TC - 1/25/2010 11:39 AM

Please rank in order of importance, why you select a dive location for a trip:

Cost, never been there before, been there before, different than home dive sites, culture, experiences other than diving, other (and what is it)
#33 - 1/25/2010 4:02 PM

alot of the other members have good questions to ask the other one I can think of at this time is:

Why do you want to be a Certified Scuba Diver?

For Fun?, to Travel? etc.
Fritz - 1/25/2010 7:39 PM
Would you be able to dive more or upgrade your certification level if the prices were lower?

Do you think more people would get involved in SCUBA diving if the costs involved were lower?

This bugs me because it is so hard to find people to dive with in our area, it seems the cost of the activity is the primary barrier.
badintexas - 1/25/2010 8:36 PM
The question that I keep wondering is how can the owner of DiveBuddy be so hot? I mean, it is his bald head, his yummy cologne, his super-out-going-ness, his amazing fathering skills? I’m just saying.. this is a question that I ponder each and every day! It definitely should be on the survey. SURVEY SAYS!-All of the above. - Love you baby! (sorry awesome DB members! :O) I know everyone is being serious! PS Thanks for your comments to Greg’s question.
RAWalker - 1/25/2010 10:25 PM

Hi Greg,

I wonder how many divers are aware of the difference in manufacturer’s pricing policies as in MARP vs MAP policies.

Do we support free market business models by avoiding manufacturer that are anti competative.

Do we avoid LDS that only offer MARP governed brands or are we more likely to frequent LDS that discount high quality MAP governed products.

Do divers (without business relationship to their LDS) feel that the internet has a positive or negative effect overall to the sport. Both on a equipment selection/acquisition and a knowledge/training perspective.
SKEETER - 1/27/2010 4:31 PM

You well do it agian. Thanks for the reading.
Eve - 1/28/2010 6:53 AM
From badintexas: The question that I keep wondering is how can the owner of DiveBuddy be so hot? I mean, it is his bald head, his yummy cologne, his super-out-going-ness, his amazing fathering skills? I’m just saying.. this is a question that I ponder each and every day! It definitely should be on the survey. SURVEY SAYS!-All of the above. - Love you baby! (sorry awesome DB members! :O) I know everyone is being serious! PS Thanks for your comments to Greg’s question. It could also be that he has amazingly hot and crazy parents, a great wife helps also. We also cannot forget the great looking , tons of fun 3 kids. Did I mention his great , funny, harley driving scuba diving parents, okay at least one dives and one watches. : ( )
greysquirrel - 1/28/2010 8:38 PM

I would like to know what keeps a diver from diving. I know several " divers" who only dive once or twice a year. They all say that they like to dive but never seem to do it even when they are invited to come along.
DiveBuddyChgo - 1/29/2010 6:29 AM
I would like a survey that would help DiveBuddy so that the average diver will keep coming back to your site... Not a survey that the retailers seem to want from your site to help them with thier business.. Make the retailers pay for such information.. Get rid of the bottom suckers,,
knightddiver - 2/01/2010 1:08 PM
I was not around for the 09 survey, but I think it all depends on what information you are trying to find out, I mean really I do not care what others make for a yearly income so that question would be out, as far as the car you drive? Its the one that gets you from point A to point B. Sometimes survery companys will try to cover more than what is needed for marketable results to others that have nothing to do with the original survey and this is why you get questions about diving and then what brand of car you drive. I guess I hate interogation surveys and would rather get to the point rather than say how many people live in my household or total household income. So I guess the question is what do you want to find out from this survey?
UWnewbee - 2/01/2010 9:53 PM
Other hobbies, interests, or likes.
UWnewbee - 2/01/2010 9:56 PM
hmm another good behind the eyes question,,,,, "If you were Greg Davis,,, what would you do"??? lol
MonkeyDiver - 2/04/2010 5:03 PM
How often, if ever, should safety skills like ESAs and Sharing Air be practiced?

1. OW training is enough.
2. Discussion with a buddy is sufficient.
3. Whenever there is a new buddy skills should be discussed and practiced.
4. Yearly.
5. Often, whenever there is an opportunity.
6. Other. Please explain.
MonkeyDiver - 2/04/2010 5:16 PM
Should SCUBA Diving certifications require renewal or reevaluation based on activity level?

1. Yes, if a Dive Log indicates inactivity for an extended period of time, skills and knowledge should be demonstrated and signed off by an instructor in the Dive Log..
2. No, let divers be the judge of their qualifications to dive.
3. Other. Please explain.