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Dustin from Thousand Oaks CA | Scuba Diver

I have been diving for 15 years plus. I took off a few years and recently purchase a whole new rig and drysuit. I am pretty technical and have been in the pool several times over the past week or two. I have a little over 230 cold water dives and have not yet been able to dive in tropical locations. I am waiting for my drysuit to come from DUI in 3-4 weeks so looking to really start diving mid-December. I am pretty flexible with my weekends. Just a mello guy and will dive with groups, couples, singles, men or women. Just be safe and not all crazy. New divers are welcome, as I understand how hard it was to find people to dive with in the beginning. If you dive Rigs I am very interested in doing this as we did not have them up North.