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Ben from Sykesville MD | Scuba Diver

I have an interest in diving the Chesapeake bay and the Atlantic. Primarily interested in shore diving (Chesapeake bay, Ocean City or Bethany Beach areas) or diving from kayak or small boat in the Chesapeake bay. I’m not currently interested in chartered dives miles off shore, or flying 1000 miles to go diving.

I would like to eventually shore dive from every east coast state that touches the Atlantic. A drive to spots in DE, MD or VA, is not out of the question. If you’re in this area and are looking for a dive buddy let me know!

Also interested in lake/river/or reservoir diving.

I’ve been looking to meet up with other divers in the region that actually dive in the region (and not just in the same quarry every time).


Joe_B - 6/06/2016 11:12 PM
hey Ben,
Looking to expand my diving experience.I am advance w/ nitrox and dive a 7 mm suit. I live in Harford county and dive primarily dive up at Dutch Springs
Joe Barry