If you’re planning your first diving trip in Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, there are a few things to keep in mind. Mauritius is known to be a great diving spot that’s ideal for all types of divers. Thus, whether you are a novice or a diving expert, you will easily find a perfect spot that matches your abilities.
You still need to consider the following:
- how long you want your trip to last - it is a good idea to get there as early as possible
- getting an instructor - most hotels have their own instructors
- your equipment - you can rent them or they come included in the courses taught by hotels
Once you have checked all these, your first diving trip in Mauritius will be all smooth sailing. Keep in mind that you will want to rest properly once you are done, especially if you’re not experienced. The
Mauritius attractions Chateau de Labourdonnais is in fact located quite close to a couple of exception diving spots. It all comes with its own
restaurant, which you may want to check out once you’re done getting more familiar with diving.