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question for the learned
freddyray - 7/08/2013 8:45 AM
Category: New Diver Q&A
Replies: 6

fairly new diver here with 26 logged dives. what is the thing to watch out for if I dive doubles besides watching for deco?
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/08/2013 10:21 AM
We had a chiropractor in our dive club that loved divers with doubles :)

Dispite what some DIR types might tell you do not use the same set-up for everything, doubles are not right for surf entries!
freddyray - 7/08/2013 10:32 AM
a friend gave me the setup and I plan on playing with them a little. Not as a regular thing.
freddyray - 7/08/2013 11:10 AM
I’ve been diving a dry suit lately with 17-21 lbs weight. how much weight do you think with doubles?
John_giu - 7/08/2013 4:36 PM
I don’t dive doubles but, I would think you would want to understand how to, and have the ability to isolate either of the tanks in the case of an emergency. Two tanks of air wont help much if they are both emptying at a high rate of speed.

In general, as a new diver spend as much time learning and re-leaning your gear. Good habits should be muscle memory.
freddyray - 7/08/2013 4:52 PM
I am not worried about air consumption. In general I get 30-40 minutes on an 80 at 100 ft profile and about 50-60 minutes on an 80 at a 60 ft profile. Just thought I would play around a bit.