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Diving off Cape Hatteras, NC
sticksout - 4/30/2012 5:02 AM
Category: Travel
Replies: 7

Hey folks

I’m going to be vacationing in Cape Hatteras next month and looking to get a few dives in. Can anyone recommend a dive shop(s) in that area?

LatitudeAdjustment - 4/30/2012 5:11 AM
A search back will bring up that this question gets asked every few months but my favoritie is
Greg - 4/30/2012 8:22 AM
Either Discovery Diving in Beaufort, NC or Olympus Diving in Morehead City, NC. I’ve been diving with Olympus and they are good. You’re really going to enjoy Wreck Alley! The Indra is a great wreck dive for beginners if you haven’t dove a large wreck yet.
sticksout - 4/30/2012 9:47 AM
lerpy - 5/01/2012 3:56 AM
Hey there, when you are back post how your experience was. I am thinking of taking a trip down there in the late summer early fall so would be interested in hearing about it.
ScubaGrunt - 5/02/2012 12:54 PM
I’m a DM Candidate with Discovery and would certainly recommend them. They rarely go north of the Cape Lookout shoals though and not all the way to Hatteras. Same with Olympus. Under Pressure in Hatteras has a good reputation around here but I’ve never been diving with them. Should your trip take you to the Morehead City, Beaufort area let me know as I dive this area every weekend. Hope this helps.- Danny
Mypalnme - 5/06/2012 4:57 PM
Denise and I will be down in Nagshead May 19, thru 29, We will be getting our AOW the week before we head down. We plan to look for a place to dive when we get down there, so place keep us informed.
Safe diving
sticksout - 7/27/2012 11:06 AM
The Under Pressure is the only dive boat out of Hatteras and who I dove with when I was there. Great captain (JT Baker) and crew....would highly recommend them. We dove the British Splendour and Dixie Arrow both wrecks had about 60-65ft visibility. Among other things, the Under Pressure is the only dive boat in the US with a diver lift. It’s essentially an elevator like system off the stern that just lifts you out of the water....what a difference it makes to not have to deal with climbing a ladder with all your gear on.