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Scuba Dive Medina Lake
scubaman - 3/25/2011 10:58 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 5

Need some one to buddy up with out at Joe’s Place! ASAP TODAY!!!

Anyone, let’s do it, need to get wet!

Greg - 3/25/2011 4:03 PM
I can’t go...but is this the "Joe’s Place" you’re talking about:
scubaman - 3/26/2011 7:54 AM

Yes, that’s the place.

Diver_Down - 4/04/2011 12:32 AM
Dudley, the water at Joes’ Place isn’t going to warm up till early/mid-summer. I’m up for diving there on a Thursday / Friday if its early enough in the day time. Let me know if you are still planning to go.
scubaman - 4/04/2011 6:56 AM

If we have a warm day, I may give it a try. I lead exercise classes on Thrs. but free on Friday.

What’s the water temp. like now.

Diver_Down - 4/05/2011 1:09 AM

A buddy said he was there on Sunday and the viz is looking really good above 70’. Temps are in 60’s until around 30’, then drop into 50’s. He said he hit a second thermocline at 70’ and the temp dropped to 49. He continued on down to 80’ to see if he could get below the bad viz, but couldn’t.