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New feature (save comment as private, blue and red check mark).
Greg - 10/11/2008 1:59 PM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 1

I just added the ability to save a comment as private. Now when you receive a new comment, you will see a blue check mark and a red check mark.

If you click the blue check mark, it will save the comment as public, which means everyone can see it (unless your profile is set to only be seen by your buddies, then all your buddies can see it).

If you click the red check mark, it will save the comment as private, which means it’s only visible by you on your comments page. No one, not even your buddies, will be able to see the comment. You can change the status of the comment later, by clicking the blue check mark if you want to.

Of course you still have the option to delete a comment as well, by clicking the trash can icon.

I also added the option to only see Private Comments from the drop down menu on the comments page. So you can filter your comments by New, All, Private or Deleted.

You will also see a gray line above all comments in your comments page that indicates the comments current status (ie: This comment is new, This comment is public, etc.).

Please test this new feature and report any issues to me. I hope you like it!
ScouterJT - 10/13/2008 12:59 PM
great idea .... thanks Greg !!!