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New Scuba Earth Feature - View Dive Site Photos
Greg - 2/04/2012 9:55 AM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 2

I recently added a new feature to DiveBuddy’s Scuba Earth.

When you click anywhere on the interactive world map, Scuba Earth will display all dive centers, divers, events, dive clubs and dive sites within a 100 mile radius. There is a text list on the left of the map that links to all the markers on the map. Now, you will also see a list of dive site photos below the map. Click a photo to open the marker on the map. To go to the dive site, click the dive site name or photo within the map marker. This improves the quality of Scuba Earth, making it easier to research dive sites in the area you’re interested in.

LatitudeAdjustment - 2/05/2012 7:29 AM
Why is your text going behind the "new site features" side bar? Or do I need to tell the wife I need a 40" screen to read DB :)
Greg - 2/05/2012 9:03 AM
From LatitudeAdjustment: Why is your text going behind the "new site features" side bar? Or do I need to tell the wife I need a 40" screen to read DB :)...
As long as your display is at least 900 pixels wide it should look correct. What is your resolution? Does it do that for other pages on divebuddy?