I don’t like it, don’t want it, and don’t need it. We get bombarded everyday in every way possible by people shouting about their cause. When I’m off and I go diving I just want to have fun. Period.
Eve - 7/24/2008 8:32 AM 
Great question, just some thoughts from me just thinking out loud. Is it not the responsibility of divers that make the choice to enter the water world to be responsible and as aware of issues with the water world? We are all finally moving towards a greener planet because of education and awareness. Yes I know some issues are touchy and controversal but is it not our job / duty to sort out the real from the myth. Even though a issue may be touchy should it be reported and maybe removed or should we each on our own decide if it is a real issue for us to consider or a hype. If we disagree with something can we not on our own decide to not read it a second time and just move on to something else. Leave it to those who do agree and maybe take action for themselves. Do we as divebuddies need to be PC or can we handle some controversal issues ? May it be that this is the only way we may find out what is truly going on even though we all now that you can not believe everything you read.! Again just thinking out loud, tossing this question around in my head, do we allow controversal issues or do we stick our head in the sand ? I am beginning to believe that on dive buddy there are some very smart divers and very aware divers, I trust that they will make great choices. I also believe that if we all agreed on everything we would have nothing to talk about!
I agree, in part, with both of the replies prior to mine. I personally don’t like it, but we should be able to make the decision on our own to read or not to read. How about a compromise? If you keep getting multiple messages form one of these type companies using this site, you can delete them from your buddy list and then, if this is even an option available to us, tag them on your "ignore" list. I’m still fairly new to this site so I dont know if this is already implemented (sp?). Greg, your thoughts?
I don’t like it and don’t want it.
I am particularly annoyed when a member (organization or individual) asks to be a Buddy after I have rejected their request (basically, as I say on my profile, I only want folks on my Buddy list that I am likely to actually dive with). This happened very recently. I find the "reject and block" option worked very well.
Part of the attraction that divebuddy has for me is that it is a relatively low-key exchange. If somebody (organization or individual) has an agenda, I don’t think this is the place to further it. Whether I agree with the cause or not, I want to be left alone here.
Eve - 7/24/2008 9:42 AM 
From tardmaster: I personally don’t like it, but we should be able to make the decision on our own to read or not to read. How about a compromise? If you keep getting multiple messages form one of these type companies using this site, you can delete them from your buddy list and then, if this is even an option available to us, tag them on your "ignore" list. I like what you had to say, yes you can get them removed from your buddy list. I also think that if you are a business or a foundation then you will need to pay to use this format. I believe this format is for divers in general, correct me if I am wrong but if you want to use this to promote your ideas then it may cost you something. But you should not kill the messenger because you do not like what they have to say.
Perhaps it would be better if they had their own section that we could go to if we wanted their services. Promoting "a dive event" say, for a dive club or such is ok. However, promoting a booking or travel agent, e-bay merchant, or such gets to be a bit much...
Greg - 7/24/2008 9:51 AM 
From tardmaster: tag them on your "ignore" list. I’m still fairly new to this site so I dont know if this is already implemented (sp?). Greg, your thoughts? You can remove them from your buddy list OR if they continue to bother you, click the Block link on their profile to block them entirely. And if they still continue to do things you don’t like, click the Report link to cast your vote to have the content (or in this case) a member suspended. To report a member profile...visit that member’s profile and click the Report link towards the top right. It takes a few different members to report someone before they are automatically suspended from the site.
mo - 7/24/2008 10:21 AM 
Maybe I am just lucky or it maybe that being in the UK I am not bombarded with comments or messages, I am all up for a debate about controversial issues, and welcome an open forum on any topic, I for one am sick to the back teeth with the PC world that we all live in, and it is refreshing to see that members on DB seem to respect each others views on subjects they not entirely agree with. The only thing that irritates me some-what are the members that randomly request to be my buddy before having any contact with me prior to submitting their request I am happy to chat and message anyone; I have a number of buddies from all corners of the world and hope that one day I will be able to dive with at least some of them Sorry for going off on a tangent from your original question Greg DB is a fantastic site lets all work to keep it that way
What drew me to the site in the first place was the name, Dive BUDDY. It’s about the personal aspect of finding a good dive partner anywhere in the world! (Thanks Greg)
I am very aware of the issues in the dive industry and environmentally and visit other sites for the news and information. My time on DiveBuddy is for the people that like to get wet. To share thoughts on gear, dive locations and fun forum topics...not to be assailed by a sales pitch.
My 2 cents.
Eve - 7/24/2008 10:53 AM 
I agree with Mo on being sick of the PC world, but I also agree with the idea that this site is for dive buddies. What makes this site great is that you have the option to remove a person/foundation from your buddy list so that you do not have to participate with their views.
From Eve: What makes this site great is that you have the option to remove a person/foundation from your buddy list so that you do not have to participate with their views. I agree blocking works on a person-by-person basis.
But if the site gets a reputation for being overwhelmed by individuals/organizations with an agenda, then we all lose.
Exchange of ideas is one thing. Pushing an agenda (like posting 9 blogs in a 10-minute period) is another.
I don’t like it. I don’t want it. I can get that lots of other places.
I agree with Diverguy1. This should be a place for DIVERS to get BUDDIES not a place to promote an agenda, fill a trip, or make money. Sure I can ignore or block offenders but just as with spam email it’s a continual assault and I get tired of having to do it.
Incidentally, if you’re one of those people then don’t request to be my buddy. If you live in my area or plan to visit my area then I want to be your buddy. If there’s a likelihood we can dive together, then I want to be your buddy. But I am not interested in running up my buddy count or helping run up yours. I’m not into popularity contests.
Eve - 7/24/2008 11:25 AM 
From ScouterJT: From Eve: What makes this site great is that you have the option to remove a person/foundation from your buddy list so that you do not have to participate with their views.
I agree blocking works on a person-by-person basis.
But if the site gets a reputation for being overwhelmed by individuals/organizations with an agenda, then we all lose.
Exchange of ideas is one thing. Pushing an agenda (like posting 9 blogs in a 10-minute period) is another.
You are right
Hey, I got an idea. It’s new, it’s revolutionary, it’s so awesome and cutting edge that it just has to work. You could have the businesses who are using the forum for promoting their business or service "pay" for advertising space on DB. This way they could have their own "space" and they would refrain from saturating the forum and blogspace with their promotions...
Hey, it’s just an idea....
mo - 7/24/2008 12:21 PM 
I get the impression the so far the consensus is that DB is a place for divers and not a place for organisations to promote themselves, as seawolfdiving has said give them there own space and charge them, What is the message on the home page?????????????????????? Global Social Network for Scuba Divers No mention about a global network for promoting your organisation Me thinks this will be a long thred
I think you are on to something there.
Bottom line...keep DiveBuddy about dive buddies.
Fitzy - 7/24/2008 1:00 PM 
Great thoughts from all posters above.
DiveBuddy.com... A place to find... Diving... Buddies... I’d also like to keep the site for finding friends to dive with / hang out with even when not diving or if they don’t dive (like my wife).
I LOVE the idea of a separate section, or maybe a separate forum group or something like that as an avenue for these types of people to keep us informed of what’s going on in the diving world. This could be something that you charge them for if you so wish, but even it you don’t it will still be kept separate so that if someone is interested in learning about what’s going on in the world of diving, we can check out that section and read about how the shark population is becoming extinct, or how the goldfish of the world are uniting against the humans and eating us one by one and making it look like an accidental drowning.
I would just like to say that I am both a Dive Buddy and a Certified Travel Agent. I don’t like to bombard people with messages either and my sole purpose on here is to meet new buddies and find out about great diving locations. I have posted a trip with group rates on the site. However, this is to just let everyone know about a dive trip/event that is taking place and if you choose to take part in it then great. If not, thats fine too. I feel like I am not PUSHING my business on anyone. I am just planning a trip like everyone else. And, yes, I am going on the trip posted on Dive Buddy and yes, I am looking for other divers to join me. I hope this forum is not specifically talking about me because I have posted a trip including the prices and contact information on the site within the last few days. I like hearing about other memebers trips too. And I would go on their trips even though I am a travel agent and could probably get a cheaper rate. It’s really not an issue of who is who and what they are doing in my eyes. If they are contributing to the site then what is the wrong with that? I have had numerous amounts of people contact me because they ARE interested in what I posted so there is POSITIVE feedback coming from it. I think people should be allowed to post and discuss what they wish as long as it is not demeaning another member or talking derogatory and abusive.
just to be clear ... my comments have been strictly in the context of Greg’s request
From Greg: There are a few on DiveBuddy now that heavily promote their organization either through a massive virtual buddy list, tons of comments sent out every day or multiple blogs.
This request seems to focus on a high level of pro-activity (what I call, "pushing an agenda") on the part of certain members/organizations.
But, there has to be some judgment; I wouldn’t want to "throw the baby out with the bath water".
For example, having my local local quarry post a "diving conditions report" each week and accept my invite to be a buddy (notice, accept my offer, not seek me out) to be behaviors compatible with my goals in joining divebuddy.
On the other hand, I would consider - posting 9 blogs in 10 minutes on various variations of the same theme and
- sending out several hundred buddy requests in the first day or two of membership
to be examples of someone with an agenda they were trying to push.
Greg - 7/24/2008 3:32 PM 
BTW, no profile in particular prompted me to start this topic...I was just curious what others thought.
Any for- profit organization should have to buy space as an attachment to DB.
With that being said, I do like to read about current issues (controversial) and what others feel are important. I may not agree, but then I just hit the delete button. Its my choice, as it should be.
Also, Greg, this is a great site that is fun and informational. Thanks for starting it.
As a dive shop manager I post trips and training dates just to let local divers know whats going on and where they can find me if they want to dive.Yes I do post prices just in case someone needs that class they can contact me (I am trying to run a business too).I’m not trying to offend anyone just thought I was providing a good service if divers needed it.
Hey All!
I just joined Divebuddy and I am a member of a non-profit that has a divebuddy account. I think it is important to have the choice to be part of this and other organizations’ buddy lists. This does not mean that everyone should accept them, rather have the choice to accept them. As a diver I think I want to be connected to other buddies who are ocean advocates because I am one myself. On the other hand I do not expect other people to feel the same way I do, everyone is entitled to an opinion. But it seems natural that if someone is bothering me I will delete/block them from my buddylist, and I expect that others do the same. We all have the freedom of choice. Thats just my two cents worth :)
Warmest, Kels
I personally won’t accept any of them as a Dive Buddy. If I want to get socially active or book a cruise I have plenty of other forums I can do it in.
I guess if they want to be on Dive Buddy they should expect to pay a reasonable fee for the access and be required to clearly inform members about who and what they are.
For example I responded to a Forum post regarding a proposed Dive Buddy trip, that I thought had been posted by an actual diver, in fact it turned out to just be a come on for a cruise, posted by a Travel Agent. I started getting spam related to the travel agency the next day.
These entities should not be allowed to "pose" as Dive Buddies. If we know up front who they are we can chose to get involved or not.
From Diverguy1:
I think you are on to something there.
Bottom line...keep DiveBuddy about dive buddies.
If individuals in an organization want to become dive buddies that one thing. For an organization to do anonymous requests just to promote a cause is not what I thought this site was about.
That said: It’s your site Greg and I respect what ever your decision is.
Wow Greg this seems to be a pretty passionate little topic you have started. Good to see that so many people are interested and actually care about the direction of dive buddy. Lots of good points to consider. By the way, it really is a great site you have created... Good Job! lol
I am new to DB so I can only put my one cent in, not two. I love the site and I joined because it is a great way to network with other divers PERIOD! I agree with the others, let them pay for their own little, and I do emphasize little spot here. If I am interested, I’ll go look. I am not here to have to start screening my mail here too. Keep the site what it was meant for!
From KelseyAnne: As a diver I think I want to be connected to other buddies who are ocean advocates because I am one myself. On the other hand I do not expect other people to feel the same way I do, everyone is entitled to an opinion.
To play Devil’s Advocate: I do understand the thought that here is a captive group of dedicated divers who more than likely are passionate about issues around our oceans. What better way to market your business or cause...right? I’m an old marketing guy and it makes sense to me...BUT! The diver in me says...no.
From uwlover4u: I don’t like it, don’t want it, and don’t need it. We get bombarded everyday in every way possible by people shouting about their cause. When I’m off and I go diving I just want to have fun. Period.
I’m in agreement with the above statement in total.
From h2ofria:
For example I responded to a Forum post regarding a proposed Dive Buddy trip, that I thought had been posted by an actual diver, in fact it turned out to just be a come on for a cruise, posted by a Travel Agent. I started getting spam related to the travel agency the next day.
I am an actual diver. And you cannot classify me replying to you asking a question about the trip as spam mail. You were interested in the trip and wanted more information. I sent you more information that YOU requested so that is not spam.
I get so much crap every day that I simply miss things that I actually want to see because I just over filter. If companies want to promote / sell anything on dive buddy they should have their own section where the PAY to put the information, and people can choose to click on it or ignore it.
Google uses pay to click advertising, all those first link at the top of the page in a different color, and those links on the right hand side of the Google page - click on them and someone pays for you to see their information.
That being said, if I am planning a dive trip, and I invite other people to join me that is NOT selling something. This site is supposed to be about people meeting people to do what we love to do - DIVE.
If you are a travel agent, cruise line, specialty service, tour guide, manufacturer, re-seller, live-a-board, or in any way shape or form posting to GENERATE PROFIT - get the off the forum - you don’t belong here at all.
If people are permitted to sell, this site will become like so many of the other sites, which are not worth visiting.
Just my thoughts.
Isn’t that what paid advertising on Dive Buddy is for? Otherwise, Dive Buddy should be for just that, Dive Buddies. Not a platform to push your product or service, again thats what paid advertising is for. Dive Buddy should be what I suspect it was intended for, Divers to find buddies and to socialize about the sport we all love. Just my opinion.
Eve - 7/25/2008 6:34 AM 
Okay everyone what I am about to speak on is my opinion only , it used to be called "getting on your soap box" if you had an agenda to voice/push. All of this issue may be resolved if Greg would consider builing a "Soap box " section. By doing so, those in any orgainization /biz/ non profit, etc can put their agendas in/on the soap box. The soap box should charge for every agenda that is in/on there. It is advertisement, a push to sell a idea. If I want to see what ideas are being presented then I can go to my "Soap Box" tab and view it. Also along with a "Soap Box" it should be divers requesting to be added to the buddy list of a company and not the company approaching other divers.The rest of dive buddy can be as it was intented, a "Global Social Network" for divers. I do not feel that Greg’s intent for this site was to tackle some of the many issues/concerns facing us all today in this world.
I stress very strongly that what I have stated is my opinon only.
mo - 7/25/2008 7:31 AM 
Eve I think you have single handily come up with the answer, The soap box is a cracking idea, and restricting their ability to ask divers to be their buddy is also a wonderful idea. Just another thought, if a member wishes to support a particular organisation instead of showing as a buddy in the organisations profile why not be displayed as a supporter on both the members profile and the organisations profile. This would indicate how passionately members felt about a particular issue
good topic, great site. I am glad to see so many passionate people out there.I like this site just to talk to other divers and see whats going on in the dive world.I thhought it would be nice to "throw a bone" to those who are as passionate about diving as I am. I only post "specials" or "trips" that are just for Dive Buddys and not the general public, because its free, if I had to pay it wouldn’t be "special" would it . Just my thoughts not to offend. Dennis
Will - 7/25/2008 1:21 PM 
I’m not opposed to having organizations as "members" of social networking sites, but I can understand why some people wouldn’t want them. I think it would be cool if the organizations had to add a flag to their page that said they were an organization and if users could have the option to auto-block all members with this flag set.
This way the organization’s message/buddy request would only go to people who wanted to read it and people who didn’t want to be bothered wouldn’t have to worry about having to deny/read requests or messages they already knew they didn’t want.
I think there are lots of good ideas on how to seperate them, but I think seperating the two profiles so they can be distinctly identified is preferable to eliminating the "groups". I’m sure there are people who enjoy these groups, or they wouldn’t have so many buddies.
The problem with setting a threshold or limit is the need for oversight, monitoring and determining where the line is. This is a great place to chat about great dive experiences. For me, great dives include seeing sharks. Shark talk always amps up the post-dive chatter! So, here goes...Imaging Foundation is on our side - they want to protect sharks in our global watery playgound. Im not out to make an arguement and hope I have not offended anyone in our virtual dive community, just wanted to consider this other angle. Thx
Having an organization as part of Dive Buddy isn’t a bad idea as long as they are not able or allowed to initiate contact with DB members. Just give them thier own little place on here with a tab so if by chance we need their services or want to be a part of there(how was it referred to, oh yea agenda) then we have the option of going to them. Of course I believe that if they are doing it for profit or gain of course there should be a fee involved.
By the way love the site. Thanks
Bobo - 7/27/2008 11:40 AM 
I agree with Seawolf, if a section could be developed for companies/org to promote their desires, then sure, because you would have to visit them and request to be added to their listing. Again open forum and mass mailing allowed would be a bit much and most would probably be ticked off over mail they are not wanting.
Greg - 7/27/2008 11:54 AM 
Wow, I love the opinions everyone has. Always remember...if you don’t like something on DiveBuddy.com...Block that member OR use the Report link (located towards the top right on just about every page).
If you think a forum topic is from a company/organization that is just promoting their stuff...Report it if you don’t want to see it there.
If you think a member is only on DiveBuddy to push their product or service, and you don’t want them on the site, use the Report link.
If a member constanly asks to be your buddy or sends you unwated messages or comments...first try Blocking them...then if they still act inappropriately, use the Report link.
After several other members report the same item, the content or member is automatically suspended from the site.
The power to control who and what is on DiveBuddy.com is in your hands!
I enjoy dive buddy because it is a free forum where we can meet others who share the save love of diving, and can get great tips on travel sites to dive at, especially those not local. I think censoring any comments would be detrimental to the site. As stated numerous times previously, if anyone doesn’t want to get items from someone, delete or block them from your buddy list. I feel censorship in the site would be detrimental.
I think that there is more gray area than this being a black and white issue. I find it valuable to have occasional offers for great dive travel deals posted in the forum. I also think that it is valuable for loacl dive shops to have profiles on here as a point of reference for linking to others who are local and interested in meeting others. I think the part that annoys me is the organizations or foundations or whatever that have an agenda not related to diving, whether it be saving the whales, saving the plankton, etc. I know that I can seek out these special interest groups off this site and would like to keep it that way. I suspect that the "special interest groups" are what annoy most people on here and they may benefit from their own section or have paid advertising. It may be nice for them to be present on here, but not be aloud to have buddies, but members can subscribe to their blogs...does that sound reasonable?
Also, it is intereseting that none of them have responded to this forum...perhaps they’re too busy pushing their agenda...hehehe
Greg, How about just adjusting or changing the general policy of the site ? I am fairly new here and like most, dislike to be bombarded with all sorts of commercial things, however it might be a thought to review and accept profiles before they are posted, or have a particular more commercial section, where we can log in easily to gather info on travel, gear or whatever else that dive buddies wish to advertise Maybe you can make this a paying service, for a minimal fee ? in other words have ’regular dive buddies’ and ’commercial dive buddies’ that way we’ll know right away what to expect....
Good luck.
Wow! I’m glad that you posted this topic Greg! Myself and another DB Member work for an Airline and we were thinking of starting a Dive Club using our Airline’s name. We already have permission from our executive office to start the club up. I thought that Dive Buddy would be a great place to build relationships and get some ideas and input from everyone on deals. Would that be ok Greg?
Hi Greg,
I have been following this thread and reading the replies. It appears to me that the general opinion is "no junk mail" on the forum.
I have a small (300 or so person) group that I mediate on MySpace. The way that I have it set up is that there is a "forum" section and a "bulletin" section.
I allow businesses and organizations to post their profiles within the group. The rules for posting are that discussion topics are posted on the forum and that announcements, advertisements, etc... are posted on the bulletin section.
This eliminates the Junk Mail from the forum section and presents advertisements and announcements on a more appropriate format in the bulletin section.
This arrangement appears to be working pretty well.