Eve - 7/24/2008 8:32 AM
Great question, just some thoughts from me just thinking out loud. Is it not the responsibility of divers that make the choice to enter the water world to be responsible and as aware of issues with the water world? We are all finally moving towards a greener planet because of education and awareness. Yes I know some issues are touchy and controversal but is it not our job / duty to sort out the real from the myth. Even though a issue may be touchy should it be reported and maybe removed or should we each on our own decide if it is a real issue for us to consider or a hype. If we disagree with something can we not on our own decide to not read it a second time and just move on to something else. Leave it to those who do agree and maybe take action for themselves. Do we as divebuddies need to be PC or can we handle some controversal issues ? May it be that this is the only way we may find out what is truly going on even though we all now that you can not believe everything you read.! Again just thinking out loud, tossing this question around in my head, do we allow controversal issues or do we stick our head in the sand ? I am beginning to believe that on dive buddy there are some very smart divers and very aware divers, I trust that they will make great choices. I also believe that if we all agreed on everything we would have nothing to talk about!