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Dutch Springs, PA—10/28
Aquapest - 10/16/2018 11:39 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 3

Looking for a dive buddy for Dutch Springs this Sunday, 10/28. Please send me a personal message if interested.

MDW - 11/01/2018 9:02 AM
Sorry, I was there that day but had not been on in a long time, so did not know you were looking for a buddy. I may be there again this Sunday, Nov 4, if you are planning to go again and looking for a buddy.
MDW - 11/04/2018 8:24 AM
I will be at Dutch today from about 1 to 5 if you or anyone else are looking for a buddy. Otherwise I will go solo, like yesterday.
MDW - 11/09/2018 10:29 AM
Meeting another new buddy from this site tomorrow at 08:00 if you want to join us.
And possibly someone else Sunday.