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Where do you plan to dive this summer?
divergirl50 - 3/28/2013 8:11 AM
Category: Travel
Replies: 22

Intersted in where everyone plans to dive this summer.
divingbear - 3/28/2013 8:56 AM
Lakes, and quarries in my area, up state NY. Hopefully at least one salt water trip.
Greg - 3/28/2013 9:41 AM
Local quarries only. No exotic trips planned.
remick - 3/28/2013 11:21 AM
Off to The Blue Hole in Belize in a couple weeks then back home for the local lakes this summer.
DiveBuddyChgo - 3/28/2013 4:23 PM
My warm water trips are during the winter months. In the summer I stay close to home and dive as many L.Mich. Shipwrecks as the weather allows me on the lake.
Rich-D-Fish - 3/29/2013 7:37 AM
Fiji! Our first big tropical trip for our 10 year wedding anniversary. 36 days to go, but who’s counting.... ;-) And when I get back to So.Cal. I bought a cheap little 15’ boat for local diving. 2013 is shaping up just fine!
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/29/2013 7:38 AM
Some local stuff to see what Sandy has uncovered or covered :( Maybe a run to SE Florida. Beachhouse sitting in August and will do a few exploritory shore dives around there. We are in the process of booking a Med cruise and there is some interesting dives along the way like Naples sunken city :) The fall is the best time for NJ beach dives so I’m looking forward to that.
scuba-Karen - 3/29/2013 3:51 PM
That’s exactly what I am thinking about right now ...where do I go?
Eric_R - 3/30/2013 3:40 AM
Local lakes and a few side trips to Great lakes.
ScubaGrunt - 3/30/2013 5:45 AM
I just got orders to 29 Palms California so it will be all SO CAL for me for the next 3 years.
Rich-D-Fish - 3/30/2013 9:12 PM
From ScubaGrunt: I just got orders to 29 Palms California so it will be all SO CAL for me for the next 3 years.

Reach out to me once you are here and get on our e-mail list for our local dive trips and shore dives. The NBTT dive club does shore dives almost every weekend of the year and some during the week. I personally book entire boats for our Divebuddy group so we can save a lot of money. Next trip is June 29 to Anacapa Island. I hope you can join us soon!

ScubaGrunt - 3/31/2013 6:01 AM
Sounds good Rich. PM sent. Thanks.
Dutch - 4/02/2013 2:52 AM
Madeira in a couple of months, then the Algarve sometime in September to dive the wrecks they placed there. In the mean time, locally in Sesimbra...
MaryW - 4/02/2013 3:58 PM
Cozumel in July with a side trip snorkeling with the whale sharks!
First_Lonewolf - 4/02/2013 6:35 PM
MaryW...when in July...I will be there 10th through 17 also snorkling with whale sharks and 5 days of scuba/
MaryW - 4/02/2013 6:46 PM
July 3-10! We’ll just miss each other! boo on that!
First_Lonewolf - 4/02/2013 6:55 PM
probably pass in the airport
zen - 4/08/2013 6:53 PM
hey divergirl,

our group is going to Belize in May and the Exumas in June..wanna join us?
cm2002ss - 4/23/2013 11:48 AM
Grand Cayman, diving with Ambassador Dive Shop, staying at the Comfort Suites. Our first time! Anyone have any advice or trip experiences?
zen - 4/23/2013 3:36 PM
Belize in May, Exumas in June and lots of Florida beach and boat diving in between. How about you? we have 2 spots open for Belize due to last minute cancellations in the event you want to jump onboard with us..we’re fun!!
blacknite31 - 4/30/2013 7:22 AM
hi divergirl I am planning to head down to Jacksonville, FL my family is down there
Dive1Unlimited - 6/19/2013 10:13 AM
July 2013. Going to Cayman Islands to take a divemaster/instructor internship. Any advice? I know some people don’t like these zero to hero courses but if that’s all you can do, due to work and schedule and money, then do it! Any advice about internships such as this?