[Choose #2] Also, my husband puked through his regulator during our checkout dives. That is gross to see, but it works!
[Choose #3] not yet anyway...
[Choose #2] Not much change with this this but what about loosing your cookies?
[Choose #2] Seriously? People claiming to never burp or fart underwater? Find Atlantis, too? ;>
[Choose #1] Don’t you hold your breath as your trying to squeeze one out?
[Choose #2] ive done both its not your buoyancy you have to worry about but rather the weird looks brom your buddy
[Choose #3] I’m a lady.. (and a Mom!) I do neither. ;0)
[Choose #2] Newton’s (3rd I believe) law. Mythbusters had similar myth with truck load of birds. If they fly inside would that change its weight... Actually burp might as you exhale that air, but fart as long as it stays in your wetsuit wouldn’t ;)
[Choose #2] I do however, feel sorry for the guys in the boat following our bubbles :)
[Choose #2] haha interesting view never really thought of that
[Choose #1] burping, not so much... Farting, Oooooh yaaaaa....:) esp. ina drysuit.
[Choose #3] Never done this...lol
[Choose #2] Pity the one opening the dry suit zip
[Choose #1] Greg, this is one of your best topics ever!!! And, yes, it does affect my buoyancy. I actually drink a couple of sodas before I dive. I can burp loud enough to scare fishes!
[Choose #2] Even if it was traped in your wetsuit it wouldn’t change anything, you just moved it from one place to another. Just like on the bike, you don’t lighten the load by drinking the water in the bottle.
[Choose #2] helps keep me warm in a drysuit
[Choose #2] Dry, Semi-dry or wet suit? Is this what they mean by off-gasing :)
[Choose #1] It’s always nice when you fart in a wetsuit and you are also wearing a hood, it’s like a self made Dutch oven. I did have to tap a bit off air into the BC to stay nuetral.