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Would you dump your girlfriend/boyfriend for a new Poseidon MKVI Rebreather?
Greg - 4/25/2012 8:15 AM
Category: Survey
Replies: 87

Would you dump your girlfriend/boyfriend for a new Poseidon MKVI Rebreather? OR any other new piece of high-end scuba gear?

If Yes...add a comment about what scuba gear you’d have to get in order to dump your girlfriend or boyfriend.

(Poseidon didn’t ask me to do this, I just know the people running their U.S. division so I thought this would be funny.)
Eric_R - 5/02/2014 9:15 AM
[Choose #1] Sure, You didn’t say I couldn’t get her back.
REEFNUT70 - 11/21/2012 6:18 AM
[Choose #1] Don’t have a BF/spouse so wouldn’t matter so send it on :)
FritzMoore - 7/04/2012 11:32 AM
[Choose #3] a good spouse, gf or BF would buy it for
Brian_V - 5/11/2012 3:12 PM
[Choose #3] no interest in using one at all.
nvalleyvee - 5/07/2012 9:14 PM
[Choose #3] Really.....what the F
mhoover231 - 5/06/2012 8:39 AM
[Choose #3] No dive gear is worth dumping anyone for!
diversoul1 - 5/03/2012 5:56 AM
[Choose #3] I have someone that supports me. But need money and time to do more diving : ) ruff now adays with the world the way it is.......
uwlover4u - 5/02/2012 8:38 AM
[Choose #1] No but I would for an Inspiration CCR
LyleCrisp - 5/01/2012 9:16 PM
[Choose #1] Married 23 years and she’d be out for this!
beachnutts - 5/01/2012 5:55 PM
[Choose #1] There are a lot of fish in the sea, gear is expensive...
jeanetteg - 5/01/2012 2:11 PM
[Choose #1] hell yeah. I’d even dump my boyfriend so I could have a girlfriend to dump :-P
DeepSea - 5/01/2012 1:15 PM
[Choose #3] Now if it was a KISS Classic, that would be a different story.
MJRuecke - 5/01/2012 11:33 AM
[Choose #1] did that already for my drysuit!!
never - 5/01/2012 11:03 AM
[Choose #1] can’t afford her anyway
captkirk - 5/01/2012 10:14 AM
[Choose #1] Put a new speargun and a drysuit with the rebreather and "Baby I’m so sorry but..Bye Bye "
jonh - 5/01/2012 10:09 AM
[Choose #2] We can just trade each other in for the gear. :)
steven72 - 5/01/2012 9:55 AM
[Choose #1] Picked #1, I can always find another women, lol
H2OSprtlvr - 5/01/2012 9:25 AM
[Choose #3] I notice the women aren’t commenting. ;-)
mililanibob - 5/01/2012 8:57 AM
[Choose #2] Love the gear, but I am rather partial to Titan Rebreathers. Either way love the CCR experience
SCUBASMITTY - 5/01/2012 8:52 AM
[Choose #1] ALL THREE OF THEM,,,I would finally get some rest !
Adino - 5/01/2012 8:39 AM
[Choose #3] No girlfriend but the same wife for the last 19 years, thats alot of history and alot of love no material item or other woman could replace the giftt from God that is my wife.
kdrichmond - 5/01/2012 8:30 AM
[Choose #1] my wife would be happy if I gave up my girlfriend....
Caver - 5/01/2012 8:22 AM
[Choose #1] I did three yrs ago for a O2ptima FX
mello-yellow - 5/01/2012 8:04 AM
[Choose #3] Darn... I thought this was an actual offer! (Seriously, I am married :) )
Jeff-Dive-STX - 5/01/2012 7:55 AM
[Choose #1] and thedog too
Rickster84 - 5/01/2012 7:53 AM
[Choose #3] My spouse is my Dive buddy and she would want one too anyway. We were looking into this in Phuket last January called Blue Label Diving
Ellehcim - 5/01/2012 7:46 AM
[Choose #3] Why should I dump my girlfriend/wife when I allready have my ISC Megalodon CCR? - And I would certainly not do it for an inferior Poseidon CCR / regards Michelle
xmx - 5/01/2012 7:32 AM
[Choose #1] Uhm too recreational for me, but for a hammerhead or a rEVO sure. Can I get the optional shearwater handsets?
thelobsterhunter - 5/01/2012 7:30 AM
[Choose #1] Dumping Girlfriend not a problem, the wife doesn’t like her anyway
divershaun - 4/29/2012 2:51 PM
[Choose #1] id do it for a KM37. if this rig is anything like the MK16 rebreather then i will pass. nothing like mixing electronics with water...
joeyro16 - 4/29/2012 2:32 AM
[Choose #2] where can I drop her off?
NMGoose - 4/27/2012 11:40 AM
[Choose #1] Easy answer, don’t have a girlfriend. If I did, the rebreather might actually be cheaper. I would love to try on the rebreather and spend more time with the fishies.
michaelb - 4/26/2012 4:34 PM
[Choose #2] Wife definitely, way!
Tsmith0711 - 4/26/2012 3:52 PM
[Choose #3] Absolutely not, considering that my dive buddy is my spouse that would not be a wise move!
tazzer9797 - 4/26/2012 8:38 AM
[Choose #3] No need to answer... if I bought one she would throw me
Eve - 4/26/2012 7:06 AM
[Choose #1] Of course Greg, I would do that for you.
Jase - 4/26/2012 12:09 AM
[Choose #1] also would love a new dry suit and thermals
JeffQCScuba - 4/25/2012 8:14 PM
[Choose #3] No need 4 me as I already OWN it!!!! Love it!!!!!!
Rich-D-Fish - 4/25/2012 2:14 PM
[Choose #2] I thought I would wait until my kid is 18 to avoid child support....but this is mighty tempting! ;-)
meltonart - 4/25/2012 1:34 PM
[Choose #2] a local dive shop up here is considering doing a co-op on these. 3 or 4 guys go in on it and split any costs of repair and maint. Then they would have to sign up for it like a timeshare.
lerpy - 4/25/2012 12:35 PM
[Choose #1] Heeeellzz ya! I would dump my GF, maybe not for a re-breather (not interested in one), but for the equivalent in gear, nice drysuite and a liveaboard for a couple weeks. WOW am I the ass.
Smithsgold - 4/25/2012 11:40 AM
[Choose #3] No !!!! LOL
caves4me - 4/25/2012 11:07 AM
[Choose #3] Can’t use it for sidemounting!
peter2204 - 4/25/2012 10:21 AM
[Choose #3] Love my wife more than that
John_giu - 4/25/2012 9:52 AM
[Choose #2] YEAH, Up until now I feel guilty, now i can justify it.
SaintsReturn - 4/25/2012 9:21 AM
[Choose #2] Just curious...
dalehall - 4/25/2012 9:19 AM
[Choose #1] In a heartbeat!!! I’ll keep the wife, but the girlfriend, she’d be gone!! ;)
Dmuncy - 4/25/2012 9:05 AM
[Choose #3] I have one who supports my passion for diving as well so no need to... just need more time and $$$$$
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/25/2012 8:45 AM
[Choose #3] No need to, my wife supports my diving and it was one of the things that drew her to me :)
Greg - 4/25/2012 8:24 AM
[Choose #2] Just kidding babe! But seriously, can I get one of these? :)