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Diving in a recession
mo - 7/11/2009 10:16 AM
Category: Survey
Replies: 60

A survey last year asked divers if the world-wide recession would effect the amount dives/dive trips in 2009 would change from previous years, now that we are more than halfway though 2009 have you had to change your plans due to the recession?
kalidescoperain - 9/09/2009 4:27 PM
[Choose #3] Had to reduce, cut back, work more
Magdalena - 7/28/2009 10:20 AM
[Choose #1] Housewife spending my partners hard earned money
Nesher - 7/21/2009 2:15 AM
[Choose #2] Not nexcessarily in the planned budget, but still in the plan
GetWetDiving - 7/20/2009 8:02 AM
[Choose #3] As a newly astablished dive center we are REALLY feeling the impact of the recession. Hope things change soon :(
divemaiden - 7/16/2009 8:05 PM
[Choose #2] Well, I’m not really within my budget, but I don’t plan to retire.
Catman - 7/14/2009 3:42 PM
[Choose #2] diving is a nessesity so I don’t go crazy!!
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/14/2009 9:13 AM
[Choose #2] I had to scrub one of my trips because my buddy reduced her budget
seawolfdiving - 7/13/2009 4:17 PM
[Choose #3] Air is cheap, but travel is expensive. I’m doing more local diving than I used to do...
csemenko - 7/13/2009 10:20 AM
[Choose #2] budgets are for people who don’t like credit cards ;)
MDW - 7/13/2009 9:13 AM
[Choose #2] The price of air has not gone up and my salary has not gone down, so no effect from the "recession"
tshark - 7/12/2009 12:59 PM
[Choose #2] I would dive more but there are not hours in the day or days in the month months in a yeare etc
scubaTim50 - 7/12/2009 7:50 AM
[Choose #5] hope things really pick up next year,, i want to go diving soooooo bad..
DiveBuddyChgo - 7/11/2009 6:01 PM
[Choose #2] I am still in my planned budget for diving.. The boat is in dry dock this summer and I am paying for charters and taking more dive trips instead.. And I am still way ahead of my budget this way.. So I still cut back on spending to buy more stocks..
frosty - 7/11/2009 4:34 PM
[Choose #4] lost my job get to go diving all most every day
MonkeyDiver - 7/11/2009 2:09 PM
[Choose #2] My budget hasn’t been affected, but there are not as many "group" opportunities to take advantage of because of the economy.