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New safety product - survey
Chrisun - 1/07/2011 10:31 AM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 7

Dear buddies,

I’m currently writing my Bachelor’s Thesis about an innovative safety product for scuba divers. I have developed an online survey and I need your opinions and experience in order to do determine the market potential of this product in Australia and in the USA.

So if you are Aussie or from the States, it would be great if you could participate, I reckon it might be interesting for you as well :)

Greg - 1/10/2011 11:02 AM
In conducted a scuba survey in 2010, maybe it will help your research:
LatitudeAdjustment - 1/10/2011 12:33 PM
What’s an ABC? An Aussie BC?
Greg - 1/10/2011 2:29 PM
From LatitudeAdjustment: What’s an ABC? An Aussie BC?

I was wondering the same thing. Maybe it’s an Altitude Barometer Computer :)
oceanbound - 1/11/2011 10:43 PM
don’t know what an ABC is either so I guess i don’t have one
AOW_dude - 1/17/2011 12:26 AM

I’d try that nifty device but as far as the price, I hope it was meant in Australian dollars.

As far as ’ABC equipment’, he’s referring to the ’basics’ such as fins/mask/snorkel. You guys didn’t say you don’t have it, did ya?
Chrisun - 1/19/2011 5:39 AM

Thanks a lot for your hints and taking part - especially to Greg, I will definitely have a look at your survey, thank you for your help :)

An ABC-equipment actually consists of mask, snorkel and fins... I changed it in the survey question. I looked up if this is a common expression in English as well and then deceided to not explain it in detail since I found it is :(

