The picture shows my GTI with the shroud removed and the styrofoam floats exposed. We took our scooters to Catalina Island this Sunday and everybody had a blast! The weight and trim is still not ideal on my VS and GTI models, maybe just little more water in the buoyancy chamber. The trim is much harder to adjust on the Explorer models. Inserting all the supplied weights still leaves it positive and heading for the surface every time you release it. The Explorers do not have the buoyancy chamber. Also removing the grills on the Explorers is not as easy and same goes for attaching the towing cord. Over all, Im happier with the VS and GTI scooters. At half the weight they are easier to carry around too! With the Explorer, you can go deeper though. A word about batteries: The lead accid battery does not like to be discharged too deep. And when drained, it wants to be recharged asap! So, to keep your batteries happy, you need at least 2 for each scooter. Dive with one and keep the other on a charger. The Explorer’s battery has greater capacity, but it’s not enough to make 2 dives on a single charge. We learned that the hard way! So you still need 2 - even for the Explorer, and it’s a expensive battery compare to the VS and GTI.