The trip was really good for all of you who missed out. We were able to get in a Radio Island Dive Sat morning before the storm came through and wwhile eating lunch we were lucky enuff to sit though the storm only to be let down by a mishap with a missing Diver. Fortunately the Diver was found and was in good condition. Our trip was cancelled due to our boat being invloved in the search for the missing diver. We were able to get onto the boat for Sundays trip and had a really good time. The boat and crew were simply outstanding and seem to go out of thier way to help out. The ride out was quit smooth and the conditions couldn’t have been better. My Dive Buddy and I both carried cameras but nethier of us were able to come home with any pics.... However the little cheap camera i bought off of E-Bay is now layed to rest at the bottom of the sea with the Indra. We were able to see a few baracudas and two sharks one being about two feet long and the other being a quit good size. Water temp at the bottom was abou 78 degrees. Visability was about 45 - 50 feet. Awesome trip.
INDRA (Novice-Intermediate): This 300-foot landing ship/repair freighter is sitting in approximately 60 fsw about 10 miles off Emerald Isle. This freighter was sunk as an artificial reef on August 4, 1992. This dive is loaded with aquatic life and ideal for penetration dives! Also, a EXCELLENT site for training.