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Katrina from Tampa FL | Scuba Diver

Diving is a new hobby. I enjoy diving, but enjoy spending time with my wonderful husband more. So, diving is a great "couples" activity. Anyways, I need to log more dives to increase my experience level and comfort. Happy Diving! :)


scubagalhottie - 8/31/2008 9:19 PM
Hope you have a wet and wonderful birthday!!
dalehall - 8/28/2008 6:38 AM
I hope you have a great upcoming birthday!!
dalehall - 2/05/2008 8:04 AM
Thanks for the add!! Headed your way the weekend of the 17th to dive Ginnie, Rainbow River and visit the manatees. Can`t wait.. **D**
harleydiver - 1/01/2008 2:02 PM
Happy New Year. Welcome to Go GATORS!