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Richard from Yardley PA | Scuba Diver



Peter-EH-NJ - 7/13/2015 8:08 AM
Richard, Hi and welcome to Dive Buddy. I am just a member, but noticed you joined recently. Don’t forget to add some pictures and data to your profile, so others can find interest in you. Are you a beginner diver? Or have you been to dutch springs a few times? Are you PADI certified or NAUI ? Anyway, welcome.
RichYardley - 7/13/2015 11:55 AM
Finishing up my AOW this Sunday. I have about 25 dives so far been certified since August 2013. I need to work on the photos soon. Thanks.
Peter-EH-NJ - 7/16/2015 7:54 AM
Richard, take your time... please. I am planning another day trip to DS in August.
RichYardley - 7/16/2015 10:29 AM
Let me know when. Weekdays are actuall better for me.