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Larry from Collierville TN | Scuba Diver

Diving since 1967, USMC.. finally Certified in 1978 when dive ops started cramping for air-fills. Approximately 575 dives that were at one time paper logged, 190 or so computer logged. Sport diver, sometimes solo, 60% freshwater lakes, but have been all around Caribbean at one time or the other, both sides of Mexico and some Med dives long ago.

I like fishing while wet and snooping springs and caverns. I do all of my regulator, tank and valve maintenance. I have my own compressor and mixing gear. I do dive retro gear and of course, have the new stuff for travel. Dive both Vest/singles, harness and wing/doubles back-gas and avoid side-mount whenever possible - no room for spear fishing!!!

I avoid decompression, but don’t have a problem with a brew that will extend the bottom times... SINCE I AM AN AIR-HOG.

Not enough room for the certification numbers in the field allocated for it??? SSI has some big long ones.


OkByMe - 9/06/2012 9:03 PM
Anyone else going to Cabo San Lucas in October? My dates 10/13/2012 - 10/22-2012. I’m solo right now. I’m Staying at Pueblo bonito Sunset Beach & Spa, quite a way from the harbor, but I will have a car. The rest of my family does not dive... scardy cats!