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Important! This member is under 18 years old.  
Gary from Phoenix AZ | Scuba Diver



SCUBABREW - 2/04/2013 12:04 PM
Nope..need to start up again. Been a few years as a matter of fact. Will need to take my gear in and get a tune up. Might try some mexico diving soon. How about you?
badintexas - 1/31/2013 9:49 AM
Been diving anywhere cool lately?
SCUBABREW - 2/04/2013 12:05 PM
Nope..need to start up again. Been a few years as a matter of fact. Will need to take my gear in and get a tune up. Might try some mexico diving soon. How about you?
badintexas - 2/05/2013 8:59 AM
We took a trip to Tennessee and dove in a quarry but I’m hoping to have a nice, warm, tropical vacation this summer! :O) Mexico is always a great time!!