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Leo from West Allis WI | Scuba Diver

Certifications to date: Open Water, Advanced Open Water, Peak Performance Bouyancy, Drysuit Diver, Ice Diver, Digital Underwater Photography, Project Aware, Coral Reef Awareness, CPR/AED/EFR. Currently in Rescue Diver and Enriched air classes. 25 dives to date, tons of equipment. Just bought my first doubles. Dove Lake Michigan, Pearl Lake, Lake Nagawicka, Grand Cayman, Grand Turk, Jamaica, Bahamas, Bonne Terre. Much more to come. Seeking dive buddies for local adventures. Member of Buccaneers Scuba Diving Club in Milwaukee, WI.


Greg - 1/31/2013 1:17 PM
Also, I see you have your certs added to your profile description. Did you know under Edit Profile, there is a button for Edit Certifications. From there you can list all your certs.
Leo53214 - 1/31/2013 1:12 PM
I made a 100% on the following quiz:
Scuba Diving Quiz - Just the Basics Part 1
Greg - 1/31/2013 1:16 PM
Sweet! Now lets see how you do on the rest :) The Shrimp difficulty quizzes are easiest...go for a Tuna or Shark quiz!