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Jan from Vienna VA | Scuba Diver

PADI Rescue Diver, first certification date is 1987.


dpan - 8/11/2019 9:54 AM
Can you dive Millbrook quarry Labor Day weekend? Possibly Lake Pheonix for a day trip.
jaydub - 8/17/2019 1:06 PM
Labor day probably has me going camping w wife and kids. Trying to get them to go to Dutch Springs :)
dpan - 8/17/2019 2:34 PM
I showed my kids the Dutch Springs water park website and they want to go sometime. What days where you planning on going? I’ve got a Solo diver class that Sunday, probably at the quarry.
jaydub - 8/17/2019 3:59 PM
We’d probably roll up there Friday and leave Monday; FFX schools are out, and I’d want to hit that road early Friday to beat the misery of sitting in traffic pulling a massive camper.