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Maclearie Park, Shark River, Belmar, NJ Sunday 9/3
LatitudeAdjustment - 8/29/2017 7:34 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 9

Sunday the second high tide is 6:32 pm so we could be in the water by 6 pm

There will be a visiting diver from CT so we have two divers so far, anyone else want to join us looking for seahorses and this time of year maybe some tropicals?

m_grieco - 8/29/2017 12:59 PM
I will try and get down there as I have not done any local diving this year ☹
SaltyBones - 8/30/2017 4:06 PM
Same here....havent dove with you guys yet this year. I am working Sunday, if I get off early enough I will shoot over there:)
BeekeeperGreg - 8/30/2017 7:54 PM
I was thinking of doing the Inlet, if I can’t out on a boat, Sunday evening.

DiverfromBaskingRidge - 9/02/2017 4:56 PM
The weather looks iffy for now - rain runoff may kill the vis...

Unfortunately my wife made plans with neighbors or I would have like to have gone...
SaltyBones - 9/02/2017 10:10 PM
I don’t think I will make this one but I definitely would like to do a dive with you guys before the year is up!
LatitudeAdjustment - 9/04/2017 8:00 AM
Well with all of the rain upstream this was a bust :( Viz was probably 2’ at best and by the time you got your nose close enough to see the bottom the crabs were trying to catch you. Lost Dan twice in the murk and we called the dive.

Two spearo’s were going in as we got back to the stairs, they soon returned their spears to the car and practiced skills instead.
rustymich - 9/05/2017 11:36 PM
I wouldn’t mind trying this area a few times. Sounds fun
LatitudeAdjustment - 9/06/2017 7:40 AM
From rustymich: I wouldn’t mind trying this area a few times. Sounds fun

We’ll be diving it a few more times this year.

With all of this rain today probably not this coming weekend but I’ll post it up here because there are others too that like this site in the fall.

There are also some shore wrecks but they are kind of short notice because of surf conditions. Ray
BeekeeperGreg - 9/06/2017 12:45 PM
Ray and others,
I have been noticing lately with Dredging and Algae that Low tide in the back bay can have much better vis than High tide. By boat it is easy to dive but from the steps it is a pain. Try the beach for a low tide dive.
Full disclosure: Carl has his doubts about my theory.

Rosie and I had 10-15’ vis in the back bay of Stone Harbor around low tide one day (first week of August).
