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How old is to old to dive
ChristopherBurgert - 3/06/2015 11:37 AM
Category: Health & Safety
Replies: 23

How old is to old to scuba dive safely? I’m 43 and want to take a refresher course and get back in the water, it’s been 18years since I dove.
ChristopherBurgert - 3/06/2015 12:38 PM
That’s awesome, I’m definitely taking a refresher course. Hopefully I have time tomorrow to go to the local dive shop. Thanks for the advice.
Eric_R - 3/06/2015 1:27 PM
Keep going. I have several dive buddies in their 60’s and 70’s.
BillParker - 3/06/2015 1:46 PM
There is no upper limit as long as you’re healthy. I know someone who is 68 and just came
back from doing some crazy 300+ft deep dives.
RichKeller - 3/06/2015 3:17 PM
I am 58 and still diving for 45 years so far.
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/06/2015 4:07 PM
Well Stan Waterman was diving just up until a few years ago so I figure I’m good for a few more years.

BTW, I took about 10 years off to raise kids and then jumped back in to diving.
searly28 - 3/06/2015 4:16 PM
66 and still diving.
Fldivebum - 3/08/2015 10:51 AM
As long as your health is there Dive Dive Dive, at any age!
John_giu - 3/08/2015 2:12 PM
WOW, Wish I was 43 (again).
I’ve seen people well in their sixties on dive boats.
As long as we maintain good health it’s pretty much a life long endeavor.
True, northeast diving can be a bit challenging at times, but warm water
diving in good conditions if you can swim in it, you can dive in it.
John_giu - 3/08/2015 2:21 PM
I noticed you are in Montco.
If you haven’t found a dive shop you could try Scubadelphia
in Northeast Philly. Their a friendly group and do pool training in PHiladelphia
and check outs either at Dutch Springs or the Jersey coast.
There is Northeast Scuba in Norristown, I’m not sure they are much into the training
any longer, but great for equipment, and they run a good six pack charter out of Breille.
tstormdiver - 3/09/2015 7:26 AM
I certified an 80 yr old woman a couple of years ago & also know of Tom Mount (Owner of the technical training agency IANTD), who is in his 80’s, teaching technical, cave & CCR Cave diving. It really all depends on your overall health.
ChristopherBurgert - 3/09/2015 7:33 AM
I do have type2 diabetes, but I have it well under control. I’m not insulin dependant. In fact that’s the reason I want to get back into diving. My doctor gave me the okay to dive. I probably will go back to the Diver’s Den North in Landsdale, that’s the shop I was originally certified through.
tstormdiver - 3/09/2015 7:41 AM
The only real concerns with Diabetes (type 1 or type 2) is the diver going into hypoglycemia, preventing self- rescue. If it is well controlled & you have your Dr’s blessing,... go for it! a really good form of exercise.
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/10/2015 4:17 AM
From CBurgert: I probably will go back to the Diver’s Den North in Landsdale, that’s the shop I was originally certified through.

Speaking of old divers, I think that dive shop has been around longer than me!

Ditto on NESS for equipment.
Scubadad2 - 7/31/2015 3:34 PM
Dive until you can’t or shouldn’t. Stay heart healthy (regular exercise out of the water) and know your limits. I’ve seen some danged old people diving (I mean really older than me even :-) ) I applaud your decision to get refresher training. I was taught that it was a must to get it if eve out of the water 6 months. Refresher never hurt even those who diver regularly because we all tend to get complacent at times and that could be a risky frame of mind. BUT mind you I am just spouting my OPINION. I am not a dive master or pro. I just believe safety first because I want to go home at the end of the day.
Smithsgold - 8/11/2016 3:22 PM
Good Luck and enjoy your Dives !!!
Scubadad2 - 8/11/2016 10:41 PM
You are not too that you old to dive. I would recommend however with all activities you do other things to try and be in shape like riding a bike. If you have not been active lately get a check up with your Dr. too. It is best to find problems before you get in the water.
ChristopherBurgert - 8/11/2016 10:50 PM
This is an old post, I got back into diving and took my Advanced Scuba Diver course. Now I’m looking forward to buying some new gear. Probably gonna use my tax return and but it all at once.
ChristopherBurgert - 8/11/2016 10:52 PM
Also got a new doctor since my old one didn’t have any knowledge of Scuba medicine.
Scubadad2 - 8/13/2016 10:22 PM
You know.. I didn’t even check the date of your original post. I just had surgery Tuesday and in my altered stated i just started posting. Sorry but glad you got it taken care of. ;-)