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Choctawhatchee Bay, FL Visibility
Vinnybin - 7/20/2014 5:46 AM
Replies: 2

Can anyone explain to me the method of visibility prediction in this bay? I am trying to skin dive spearfish the old Leetown hotel docks; the ones that are on the bottom right now.
Greg - 7/20/2014 7:53 AM
I found this online and I share the same opinion: If you are diving at the inlet to a bay or river, generally the slack tide near high tide has better visibility, since the inlet will then be filled with water that has come from the ocean, which generally has better visibility.
Vinnybin - 7/31/2014 8:52 AM
thanks greg. it has been hit or miss and miss pretty much every dive so far. For instance, Leetown Motel has been really tricky to dive since the vis never really gets better than ten feet so its imperative to get there just before high tide to fish the slack. I figured it to be about 20 minute later offset of destin’s high tide. Then up there at earl bay seems to be about 1.5 hours offset. The mind blower is the directions of tide being contaminated by the santa rosa side where you’d think it would just be the water from destine. Uhg. Slowely but surely Im developing a map with tides. Are you fishing in the bay?