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LED flashlights/torches
DiveGirl55 - 1/06/2009 5:44 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 54

Those new LED lights look really bitchin... I myself, don’t really do many night dives or dark dives. But I think I will save up for one.
SDiver40 - 5/24/2009 10:23 AM
[Choose #1] Just got 2 of them BUT havent had the chance to use them yet
ScubaMike - 2/04/2009 10:18 AM
[Choose #1] Take during the day and see more colors, and great photo resolution
MDW - 1/19/2009 11:21 AM
[Choose #1] PrincetonTec makes a nice handheld LED for $30. I use as a backup light. May upgrade primary soon.
csemenko - 1/17/2009 1:38 AM
[Choose #1] the LED far outperforms my Halogen bulb lights.
pmombourquette - 1/16/2009 7:27 PM
[Choose #1] the light is better, batteries last better.
bobfish - 1/15/2009 2:11 AM
[Choose #2] The batteries last longer with them too
waytooslow - 1/11/2009 11:19 PM
[Choose #1] actaulluy have two... tusa 300
Bigdogdown - 1/11/2009 1:45 AM
[Choose #1] have two ad backups but still luv my HID primary
Catman - 1/09/2009 1:16 PM
[Choose #1] The LED’S are great for clear water but don’t seem to do much for murky water.
steelheadfish - 1/08/2009 1:08 PM
[Choose #2] you get longer battery life out of the leds over reg bulbs and thats the only reason
RAWalker - 1/08/2009 1:40 AM
[Choose #1] My Primary & Backup light are LED
mukashi - 1/07/2009 8:15 PM
[Choose #1] Nice for closeup flood illumination.
MonkeyDiver - 1/07/2009 8:05 PM
[Choose #1] Got a few and love them!
Matt65 - 1/07/2009 12:19 PM
[Choose #1] Even on day dives I bring my flashlight.
scubadad - 1/07/2009 7:24 AM
[Choose #1] Have one, but don’t think it’s all that great. I still use my regular light a lot.
Greg - 1/06/2009 10:40 PM
[Choose #1] All my lights are led...get the 3 watt led bulbs.
seawolfdiving - 1/06/2009 7:22 PM
[Choose #1] have a few dives with one, I love it. Great endurance, bright light, great color, & enviro. cool