DiveBuddyChgo - 9/04/2013 8:29 PM
If a shop wants you to wear a uniform. Then wear the shops uniform. Either have the shop loan or give the uniform to you during work hours. When your diving on your day off. Then you wear your own personnel equiipment you paid for. And that doesn’t mean you have to buy from your work place either. But your shop should offer some pretty good perks to keep you in thier gear line. If not then your just another customer. What, Where you buy equipment to dive on your own free time is a privacy issue. But while your at work you must adhere to the work place rules. Working in a dive shop is not a hobby. Its a place of business and your an employee. The uniform is a tool of the trade and should be supplied. A full time dive professional at $35hr./ benefits but will always pay for thier shop uniform. But most dives shops will use the system until you wake up and realize what just happened.