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To All Photographers, Please...
coralreefpainter - 9/18/2008 9:34 AM
Category: General
Replies: 2

Please!! If you put photos online, just make a comment if you have not matched your critter to an ID book’s description. (Those are worms, not a sea fan)

Humann’s books, and others, are not all that expensive, and they’re great reading for ’the reading room’.


Rich-D-Fish - 9/18/2008 7:37 PM

I found a great website for fish ID off the Southern California Coast for anyone interested. It was put together by some very experienced local divers. I refer to this site all the time. Hope it helps someone. Stay wet! (link below)
seawolfdiving - 9/18/2008 7:50 PM
Another website that I use for reference is