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Account Approval
KJD - 9/21/2020 11:17 AM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 4


My accounts still not approved, meaning I can’t respond to messages or edit my complete profile.

I joined around 3 weeks ago, is there anything I can do?

Thank you - looking forward to interacting with the community :)

LatitudeAdjustment - 9/21/2020 2:07 PM
We all approve of you but Greg is the only one who can approve you on here and if he’s off diving or maybe preparing for that hurricane coming ashore in Texas then it may be a few days.
Eric_R - 9/21/2020 3:15 PM
I sent Greg a message. He probably missed it.
Greg - 9/21/2020 6:47 PM
Got it. Sorry for the delay.
KJD - 9/22/2020 4:02 AM
Thanks a lot everyone :) .. Already found this forum so useful!