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Looking for dive buddy in Jacksonville/North Florida area for 12/26 or 12/27
joe_bird - 12/22/2017 10:41 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 7

Hi, I’m looking for a dive buddy to do some spring diving. I’m not from the area, so someone with knowledge of the local sites and springs would be a big help. I wouldn’t mind going back to Ginnie Springs, but I would like to try somewhere different as I am not here more than once per year. I’m not opposed to Jacksonville ocean diving, I’m just not sure if my exposure protection is appropriate for the ocean water here this time year (3mm wetsuit, 5/3 hood, tropical gloves).

If you’re available and want to do some diving then let me know!
gebbert2038 - 12/23/2017 8:03 AM
I will br at devils den and Paradise Springs the 27th and 28th
joe_bird - 12/23/2017 8:18 AM
Awesome, I would love to join you depending on your dive profile. I’m not cave certified so I won’t be doing any penetration past the cavern area. I would only be able to do the 27th because I am leaving to go back to Phoenix the 28th. How many tanks? Are you staying in the Jacksonville area by any chance?
gebbert2038 - 12/23/2017 1:15 PM
We will be doing an afternoon dive on the 27th at War Tex we are not cave certified either so that’s no worries I have never been to vortex it looks pretty cool you’re more than welcome to join us
joe_bird - 12/23/2017 1:48 PM
Vortex looks awesome, but I am goin to have to pass. It is just much farther than I want to drive for a dive while I’m here, especially because I am still visiting family while I’m in town. Thank you for the invite though, I do appreciate it.
gebbert2038 - 12/23/2017 11:24 PM
Sorry I just read my text I was driving while I was texting and we will be at Devil’s Den Paradise Springs the 27th and 28th not Vortex sorry
joe_bird - 12/24/2017 8:29 AM
Awesome, that sounds good then. How many tanks? Are you staying in Jacksonville by any chance?
gebbert2038 - 12/24/2017 8:30 AM
Give me a call at we can talk better 217 931 2131