seanw - 3/12/2018 9:09 AM 
Anywhere in particular in FL? My son and I got certified in the Keys last summer and I’d like to go back with him. I’m pretty close to you, too.
I would road trip but I am already in Florida. Might be up for a dive when you get here though.
Hey , I live in Florida, where do you plan on diving in florida. Shore or boat dives. I live in Coral Springs. Let me know. Maybe we can get together and dive. Unfortunately my wife doesn’t dive.
TyDC - 3/27/2018 5:31 PM 
I might be down for this. I live in Virginia. Any particular part of Florida like the Key Largo??
Bsharp117, I just sent you an invite. I’m local ish, but frequent West Palm. Let me know if your up for anything.
Hey, all- so we decided to leave for the trip on 5/7/2018 (May 7th) and would get there around May 9th, staying until about 5/20. does anyone here do cave diving?? I was planning on getting certified for cavern and possibly full cave from 5/10-5/15 at Ginnie Springs then heading down and diving at Key Largo from 5/16-5/20.
TyDC and Bsharp- if y’all are close to Key Largo or would want to meet up there, we’re down for some regular dives! And if anyone cave dives, we could also plan one of those, too.
feel free to text me at 703-953-4631 anytime, before or during those dates