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Perfect Dive Snack?
dalehall - 7/16/2008 9:50 AM
Category: General
Replies: 22

I noticed Heidi mentioning the perfect dive snack for her in one of her photos. That made me think of a question I haven’t seen here before:

What is the one snack you take with you on every dive trip or boat?

For me and my group, it’s Ginger Snaps. We have a couple people that suffer mild seasickness and they say Ginger Snaps help. After a few trips with them, now it doesn’t seem like a real dive trip unless we have Ginger Snaps in the dry box. What about you?
Diverguy1 - 7/16/2008 9:59 AM
Peppermint candies make a great after dive treat. They cool the mouth and give you back some comfort level after sucking on a dry reg. And the peppermint is good at calming a queasy stomach. Like you ain’t diving unless we pop in the peppermint!
tjdiving - 7/16/2008 11:01 AM
Any kind of fruit works for me. I also like a protein bar and a bottle of sweet tea!
vyvial - 7/16/2008 12:45 PM
Peppermint, Protein Bars, and G2 Gaterade (I get it on tap at 7-11).
Greg - 7/16/2008 1:32 PM
I like steak and beer...but only if I’m done diving for the day :)
polarbear - 7/16/2008 2:05 PM

no real snacks during the dive just what anyone brings but after you can bet that we will head for the mexican watering hole and cafe.
diveingirl - 7/16/2008 3:09 PM
Apples.... something about the fresh crisp taste of an apple and the salt water on your lips... the best!!!
seawolfdiving - 7/16/2008 3:31 PM


Actually, I take sliced oranges with me. And lots of water.
mukashi - 7/16/2008 3:51 PM
Round peanut butter crackers with a Coke or Pepsi cola. Sits really well. I too like the ginger snaps, but only the hard ones that are made with real ginger not ginger flavoring. A cold Navel Orange is great too.
FINSUPHAMMERDOWN - 7/16/2008 4:27 PM
pretzels and grandmas homestyle cookies
iScuba - 7/16/2008 4:51 PM
diving for me is not that different regular ole swimming. growing up I always craved bologna and cheese sandwiches, ruffles potato chips, and sweet tea. So, after a dive - that’s what I crave.
GypsyDiver - 7/16/2008 5:15 PM
I would have to say I liked the chocolate cupcakes I had between dives with Dive Oahu. but If you are with KBW Scuba, Beth will not let you go hungry.
tardmaster - 7/16/2008 6:25 PM
ice cold watermelon. nectar of the gods !!!!!!!!
anemone - 7/16/2008 8:14 PM
In the gulf we are big on fresh fruit and protein, oranges, pineapple, peanuts, PBJs. My divemaster has a fav snak, ritz cracker with a dab of peanut butter topped with a jalapeno pepper. Yum!
senorfroggie - 7/17/2008 5:44 AM
I prefer Sliced pineapple. It is so sweet and just seems to quench your thirst after a dive. If I am diving locally I like hotdogs and hamburgers though, (gotta feed the beast somehow.)
SeverinoScuba - 7/17/2008 5:59 AM
I like to have fresh watermelon or pineapple after a dive, takes the salt taste out of your mouth, refreshes and rehydrates you. Also like to bring fresh baked vegan gookies, seems to be a hit with all the divers.
divehard - 7/17/2008 8:38 AM

My perfect dive snack are buffalo wing flavored pretzels, orange juice, and a ham and cheese sandwich, a wierd combo but it works for me
jasonchromes - 7/17/2008 12:15 PM
Hard boiled eggs are the perfect dive food for me.a little hot sauce and salt and I’m happy!
AngelFish - 7/17/2008 7:40 PM
Everything mentioned sounds perfect... But the fish tacos are the best down in San Carlos, Mexico. They fry em up on the boat and they are amazing! Hits the spot, every time!
Kami - 7/18/2008 3:42 AM
Since I am still relativly new to diving, I have not established any set foods yet. But I have found that certain "burpy" foods and indigestion producing foods should be avoided. Thats why I have to cringe at the idea of acidic citrus foods..or the idea of carbonated drinks..and bologna and Nothing could be better than a hot dog burp into your regulator!
tricia3909 - 8/07/2008 2:12 PM
Cheese slices or cubes, grapes and other fresh fruit, drinkable yougurts... and plenty of water lol!

From dalehall:

I noticed Heidi mentioning the perfect dive snack for her in one of her photos. That made me think of a question I haven’t seen here before:

What is the one snack you take with you on every dive trip ofr boat?
For me and my group, it’s Ginger Snaps. We have a couple people that suffer mild seasickness and they say Giner Snaps help. After a few trips with them, now it doesn’t seem like a real dive trip unless we have Ginger Snaps in the dry box. What about you?