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Where to report unsafe and potentially life threatening diving behavior.
mermaidiver - 3/23/2014 11:00 AM
Category: General
Replies: 6

On the Aggressor 7/13 in the Cayman’s.
My now former dive buddy/proficient diver/ boyfriend, chose to play games. He made sure that on the last dive of the trip we would be last getting out. At the safety stop he just let go and stared drifing away. I went after him. As an ED nurse I was doing an assessment and getting him to the ship. He pulled away and again I went after him. Is this an MI, a stroke ? He was conscious and looking at me. We both have less than 500 in our tanks. Got him to the ladder and yelled at deck hands to check him because something is wrong. I get out and and John, the deck hand tells me this person said he was sleeping!!! Really?? This is not the first time he has displayed this behavior and at one point my family and friends asked me if he has an insurance policy out on me!!
This person is a member of Dive Buddy . We need to be able to report these incidents. I don’t have to tell any diver that what we do for fun is inherently dangerous and knowing that we are safe with each other is paramount. Am now connected with a local group.
Greg - 3/24/2014 7:11 AM
This is a tough one. While we all want to be aware of unsafe divers, there isn’t an easy (or legal) way to report situations like this. If you posted a comment on the offending members profile, they could easily delete it. If you posted their name and explained the situation in a forum topic, they could sue you for defamation of character.

I’ll leave this up to other members to comment and suggest ways to handle these types of situations. As the owner of DiveBuddy, I need to remain partial to everyone and simply provide a fun, easy-to-use social network for divers.

I will also remind you of the Report link on member profiles and all other content on DiveBuddy. When reports are provided from multiple members, the offending member or content is automatically removed from our site.
UWnewbee - 3/25/2014 3:47 AM
you could simply look at the diver an say you suck an never dive again with that diver
mermaidiver - 3/25/2014 7:14 AM
UWnewbee you made me laugh. I have and did walk away. The number of people looking at this topic makes me think there are others looking for help in these situations. Thanks for input and advice. Will dive on. Let’s dive safely, together.