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If you build it they will come...
Lionfishwhisperer08 - 3/20/2014 10:21 PM
Replies: 7

So being close to baseball season and me being a big Mets fan who lives in the south now and serves up Lionfish as much as possible,mostly local to SC waters but as a chef I’ve bought from other places as well. Anyway,yes I’m here to brag a little,sorry. I’ve been selling Lionfish in conjunction with my local sustainable fish monger and have been laughed at,told it was a fad, looked apon as I was crazy. Well now guess what. Travel channel is coming in the morning. We’ve already been on tv and in print. Now the big boys are coming. I’ve created a maket,I have a demand I can’t keep up with becuz more divers,excuse me commercial divers won’t go after. You all have no idea. I’d buy everyone anyone of you can catch, I’d prefer the big boys I get here
This with the ban on importing lions in fla passing,better just be geared toward pet shops,cuz I know a guy who sells lions in Mexico and ships thru Miami.
Anyway keep killing. Keep going out to dinner and requesting. Wanna save grpr and snapper?! This is the best way. Sure over fishing may be some to blame but Lionfish are as well. I’ve found many Bliners,scamps,Joltheads in lions stomachs.
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/21/2014 5:13 AM
I was dismayed in Cayman that they were freezing them for study, they’ve been studied enough, give them to a local fish monger to develope an industry!

LatitudeAdjustment - 3/21/2014 5:18 AM
Have you seen this video from the Gulf Coast, they’ve taken over :(
Greg - 3/21/2014 5:58 AM
That video is crazy! Soo many lionfish, they took over those two reef balls.
freddyray - 3/21/2014 9:06 AM
was diving last year in Cozumel, Belize, Cayam and roatan way too many of the critters.
Lionfishwhisperer08 - 3/21/2014 11:04 PM
Ya so turns out wasn’t what I thought nor as fun. Think having a film crew from across the street filming some show "Idenity" kind of was another hassle,
btw2459 - 3/22/2014 3:28 AM
There are plenty of them on the hard bottom of the coast of Panama City Fl. and the less dove artificial reefs as well. Great eating. Well worth the time to catch them. Just need to be careful of the spines (stating the obvious I know). A great way to serve them up is to make a beer batter and deep fried.
Eric_R - 3/22/2014 9:30 AM
Turn the lion into a lamb.