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New Feature: Local Diving Info
Greg - 12/19/2012 10:15 AM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 1

If you want to see scuba diving info in your state only, check out the new local diving page (works for U.S. and Canada):

You can also get to this page from the Member Control Panel on your home page.

Here is a tip for getting your content to show up on the local page:
For content that is not location specific (ie: forum topics, articles, photos), I use the text in the title to determine what local area to show it in. For example, if you entered "Need buddy in Texas, Florida, Oregon" as the title of a new forum topic, it will show up on the Texas, Florida, and Oregon local page. I would recommend using full state names separated by commas to ensure it is recognized properly.

I apologize in advance if your local area isn’t listed here. It’s not that I don’t care, I just didn’t have the time to build world-wide recognition of every local area.
Eric_R - 12/19/2012 4:24 PM
Thanks Greg! Nice feature.