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Blue Lagoon, Sat June 16
navy_mo - 6/04/2012 6:56 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 6

I’ll be in Huntsville on Sat June 16 and am looking to get some divers together to dive Blue Lagoon.
fasttalker31 - 6/05/2012 5:46 AM
Yep, I will be there!!
navy_mo - 6/05/2012 4:58 PM
Great, Ken! Looking forward to it. When it gets closer, and I know if we have more divers, I’ll call Blue Lagoon and reserve a spot.
Jen_Jen - 6/05/2012 6:33 PM
I’m up for it! :-D Haven’t been back to Blue Lagoon since I did my open water certificate dive in 1993. LOL!
cm2002ss - 6/09/2012 9:09 PM
Hi, I’m a newbie. I live in Tyler,TX. Just got OW Cert in Cozumel over spring break with Scuba Steve’s Dive Shop in Tyler. Completed my advanced and Nitrox at Clear Springs last month and plan to start my Rescue class soon. I’ve never been to Blue Lagoon but that was next on my list! Would you share your cell# with me so I can find u this weekend? Can we just bring a tent and camp Sat night? Any "tips" would be greatly appreciated!
Greg - 6/11/2012 7:24 AM
Link to event with more info and who’s going: