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I want a good Dive log app for IPAD
webbinator - 3/18/2012 7:37 AM
Category: Books & Videos
Replies: 6

I am putting this under books and videos because I do not know what else to put it under.

I am looking for the best application for my IPAD to use to log my dives. Any suggestions.
webbinator - 3/18/2012 8:25 AM
Greg, I was not aware of this section. I will check it out.
SaintsReturn - 3/18/2012 5:45 PM
I use and love Macdive, it imports from your dive computer and fills in all the cool stats, but if your going to manually input your dives, use divebuddy
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/28/2012 5:14 AM
There is an IPhone case coming out that turns your IPhone into a dive computer, nitrox analyzer and you can use the camera underwater, I would assume that includes logging the dives also that could be transfered to the IPad. The bad news is the price :(
jayman035 - 6/04/2012 3:57 PM
i am yet to find a good app for logging dives. and all the ones that claim they are the real deal, are much more than anyone should have to pay for an app. pen and paper for me. oh and FYI the dive log is great. my problem is i always forget to log my dives. im still copying logs out of my dads book from over 10 years ago.
Scuba-Smurf - 1/19/2013 4:01 AM
I also MacDive. It’s the best I have tried and links direct to my Suunto computer. Now sure if you can get a USB adaptor for IPad