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2010 Scuba Diving Survey Q2: Dive Trips
Greg - 7/15/2010 4:20 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 819

What is your PRIMARY factor when deciding on a dive trip?
Eric_R - 8/08/2014 8:06 PM
[Choose #1] Location first then best bang for buck.
Mavricky - 9/28/2010 6:15 PM
[Choose #2] Have not been on one yet because they do cost
MrFlint - 8/31/2010 1:44 PM
[Choose #5] Getting the time off from work
Tiara_270 - 8/29/2010 11:37 AM
[Choose #5] weather and dive buddy ready to go
liveandletdive - 8/28/2010 9:43 AM
[Choose #1] Love tropical waters. Nothing better than not having to put on a thick suit and hood. love the freedom i feel
CptnTypeO - 8/24/2010 11:20 PM
[Choose #1] Dive sites available and their information
Pixel - 8/23/2010 3:26 PM
[Choose #1] Can I manage the entry and exit without posing a risk to myself or others.
wascubadude - 8/22/2010 8:05 PM
[Choose #1] Quality diving at an overall (travel,lodging, food and diving) affordable price.
flyingfrawg - 8/22/2010 5:16 PM
[Choose #4] I go for the experiences offered.
provoker - 8/22/2010 10:27 AM
[Choose #2] Price then location
HeatherG - 8/21/2010 10:08 AM
[Choose #2] I’m still a "new" enough diver that MOST locations are new and thus exciting.
delsol - 8/20/2010 5:18 PM
[Choose #1] Price first, but location is a close second
rsmith4656 - 8/20/2010 8:13 AM
[Choose #2] What with our current economy
james4964 - 8/19/2010 5:09 PM
[Choose #2] air dont buy itself
trace - 8/19/2010 1:52 AM
[Choose #1] i like to see new things
TylerDurden - 8/18/2010 11:47 AM
[Choose #1] Location is first...price is a close second in this economy...!
scubaschwab - 8/17/2010 2:50 PM
[Choose #1] The others don’t matter if the place has nothing to see underwater.
Minky - 8/16/2010 9:38 PM
[Choose #1] price too
PugetS_Diver - 8/16/2010 7:53 PM
[Choose #2] Cost of travel.
gunman200081 - 8/13/2010 5:10 PM
[Choose #5] i have never planned a dive trip but i would go off what other divers say. I like to hear from people who have been there and done it.
Divin_DnT - 8/10/2010 6:10 PM
[Choose #1] Weather also!
Synike - 8/08/2010 9:01 PM
[Choose #4] Price can be low or location can be gorgeous...but it all doesn’t matter if you don’t have awesome dive activities to do! ;)
nauidiver - 8/07/2010 8:43 PM
[Choose #5] All above
Scubapilot17 - 8/07/2010 12:12 PM
[Choose #5] diving freedom
iluvczm - 8/06/2010 6:31 PM
[Choose #5] A combination of everything
iScuba - 8/06/2010 12:35 PM
[Choose #2] While location is an important factor, price of the trip is the main concern. I don’t believe the CHEAPEST is the best, but affordable is key.
hoofpick - 8/06/2010 9:10 AM
[Choose #5] it depends on all of the above. Since we can’t be in the water 24/7 it helps to have other activities available. Location can be tied to travel time, if you only have a week and it takes two days to get to the location thats not too feasible.
Rhonda - 8/06/2010 9:02 AM
[Choose #5] I’m more concerned about what I will get to see and a wide variety of sea life and wreck sites etc...
webrunner - 8/06/2010 7:56 AM
[Choose #2] it’s both location and price
Gottado - 8/05/2010 7:31 AM
[Choose #5] Combination of all 4 items above. I want value but I also want lots of great diving
noeltime13 - 8/05/2010 5:30 AM
[Choose #2] Best cost for the best package in a favorable area carries high influence.
SherlThePerl - 8/05/2010 2:04 AM
[Choose #1] Location first, but price is always a factor
jeff98208 - 8/04/2010 3:58 PM
[Choose #5] all of the above
norcalunderwaterhunter - 8/03/2010 2:57 PM
[Choose #5] game to hunt and dive location
JERM - 8/01/2010 6:19 PM
[Choose #1] Dive Site
Seadiver - 8/01/2010 12:49 AM
[Choose #5] Combination of price and location.
pogiguy2009 - 7/30/2010 1:13 PM
[Choose #5] all the above
yoostahbeayooper - 7/30/2010 9:27 AM
[Choose #5] cash available
RockPro - 7/28/2010 10:42 AM
[Choose #5] All of the above. I’m 1 of 3 that dive.. the other two need land-lubber action.
Skipster - 7/27/2010 2:17 PM
[Choose #2] location+price are critical
Piscador - 7/26/2010 12:42 PM
[Choose #4] The type of dive usually drives my interest.
jnowak100 - 7/26/2010 11:36 AM
[Choose #1] assuming that price and travel time are "reasonable"
LONGTAILBDA - 7/26/2010 11:35 AM
[Choose #3] Wife gets limited time off a year
randydkc - 7/26/2010 10:13 AM
[Choose #2] This sport is freaken expensive
allstarwa - 7/25/2010 8:18 PM
[Choose #1] Whether or not I’ve been there before.
Waterskier1 - 7/25/2010 6:10 PM
[Choose #5] All of the above, but mostly bottom time for the $
JustinK - 7/25/2010 5:06 PM
[Choose #5] Depth, types of wrecks/animals. If they mind if I tec dive.
LandSeaAir - 7/25/2010 3:48 PM
[Choose #2] wellll duhhhhh,,,,,, but I am focusing a lot right now on activities as I try to blend some archeological type excursions along with the diving
h2ofria - 7/25/2010 8:16 AM
[Choose #1] Site has to have more than just diving to really attract me, hiking birdwatching, sightseeing, etc.
Tom4Diveheart - 7/23/2010 9:54 PM
[Choose #1] Particularly health of underwater ecosystem
tcdamsel - 7/22/2010 11:25 PM
[Choose #1] I have a bucket list and am trying to make it to all those places before there is nothing left to look at.
Flipper78754 - 7/22/2010 4:23 AM
[Choose #5] In this economic time all the above
briank237 - 7/21/2010 5:59 PM
[Choose #2] Aside from local diving trips, I generally select a location that I know will have good diving, good accommodations, and unfotuately, price tends to be the deciding factor.
tshark - 7/21/2010 1:50 PM
[Choose #5] All of the above.
Darkstar - 7/21/2010 1:32 PM
[Choose #5] Like to do more diving but work gets in the way
Spazz - 7/21/2010 10:52 AM
[Choose #1] Location is primary, however price, travel time and activies provided are as equal in my decisions
DiveBrat - 7/20/2010 9:02 PM
[Choose #5] All of the above
ledzep0121 - 7/20/2010 8:45 PM
[Choose #5] dive costs included in hotel package
dbh62034 - 7/20/2010 3:23 PM
[Choose #5] all the above
Schuedog - 7/20/2010 1:57 PM
[Choose #5] I have time shares that I love going to. I always dive near them.
BROOKLYN - 7/20/2010 1:45 PM
[Choose #5] due to my location.... water conditions
jbear - 7/20/2010 1:35 PM
[Choose #2] I’d dive almost anywhere & make the time if I could afford the trip, they can be very expensive
dbmiller7 - 7/20/2010 11:48 AM
[Choose #2] Price now, is a real issue for everyone.
rlk - 7/20/2010 9:32 AM
[Choose #1] what is there to dive on...wrecks caves formations etc..
tmac_diver - 7/20/2010 9:09 AM
[Choose #5] available dates that dont conflict with work
Guardian81 - 7/20/2010 8:46 AM
[Choose #5] combination of location & price
WhaleShark - 7/20/2010 8:46 AM
[Choose #1] For Specific species encounters.
Lells4 - 7/20/2010 7:51 AM
[Choose #1] I live in SE FL ... price/travel time are all about the same. What we focus on is location ... in the water. Which particular reef, wreck, etc.
SpeedoSwimmer - 7/20/2010 7:14 AM
[Choose #1] I’d love to see Truk
JuanDvr - 7/20/2010 6:13 AM
[Choose #1] Plus what marine critters are in the area. What am I wanting to see, what does the resort have to offer.
ScubaGuyNNWFla - 7/20/2010 6:06 AM
[Choose #2] I look to go somewhere new most of the time, but overall, the total pricetag must play in as the key factor if the final decision. We are lucky that few resorts are truely outrageous in cost and most are close to each other in price
TraceMalin - 7/20/2010 12:37 AM
[Choose #5] Adventure aspect.
divemaster63 - 7/20/2010 12:26 AM
[Choose #5] all of the above
tgdiver - 7/19/2010 11:04 PM
[Choose #2] I don’t plan a trip to somewhere I’m not interested in, so affordability is the main factor.
HogLifer - 7/19/2010 10:56 PM
[Choose #2] I can’t afford it travel anywhere, although I can dive anywhere.
Nesher - 7/19/2010 10:52 PM
[Choose #5] Primarily it’s a combination location and activities (# of dives per day) followed by travel time then price
J105Puff - 7/19/2010 10:47 PM
[Choose #5] a cmbination of all of the answers
Guggyfish - 7/19/2010 9:53 PM
[Choose #5] Location and travel time combined
Klyde - 7/19/2010 9:48 PM
[Choose #1] I always look for close to home because if I like It I may be able to splurge more on return visits
SCUBA_Sue - 7/19/2010 9:25 PM
[Choose #5] I am the only one in my family who dives, so I need a family vacation that offers diving and other activities for them, or a dive buddy (still need to find one)
Velvet - 7/19/2010 9:06 PM
[Choose #1] some dive center tell you they will take you to the best spot and ist not true if the boat is not full of divers
wreckdiver12 - 7/19/2010 8:55 PM
[Choose #5] location and the type of diving
billtahiti - 7/19/2010 8:21 PM
[Choose #1] Visibility- water temp -photo ops
LiAn - 7/19/2010 7:42 PM
[Choose #5] cost; how many dives; type of dives; location & travel time
hectorj84 - 7/19/2010 7:36 PM
[Choose #2] Local charters and beach dives make great cheap dives here in Florida.
Indiana - 7/19/2010 7:31 PM
[Choose #2] For most trips its price because I am not rich
madlobster - 7/19/2010 7:21 PM
[Choose #4] S/O doesn’t dive so i need a location with more than diving, but diving a must :)
CMOST - 7/19/2010 7:03 PM
[Choose #1] All of the answers should be considered.
Flory - 7/19/2010 6:50 PM
[Choose #2] Unfortunately, most diving trips are out of the reach cost-wise to diving families. When you have 3 children that all dive, add in the parents & @ $2000 (avg price for a dive trip w/airfare) a person - you’re talking $10,000 for a vacation. Not good.
Scubadog1 - 7/19/2010 6:39 PM
[Choose #1] Generally I select diving for places or things I want to see
WRKDVR - 7/19/2010 6:32 PM
[Choose #5] Many types of dive operations dont suit every diver
Aud - 7/19/2010 6:22 PM
[Choose #1] For me - the water needs to be warm - with lots of critters and coral. Since I have longer list of destinations than time it really become a factor or location, price and ease of getting there.
ScubaMurph - 7/19/2010 6:03 PM
[Choose #2] We love to dive, but don’t have a lot of extra money. Always watching for good deals in the Caribbean.
peter2204 - 7/19/2010 5:48 PM
[Choose #1] must be suitable for varied abilities
MotleyDiver - 7/19/2010 5:13 PM
[Choose #5] Direct flight when possible
SCUBASMITTY - 7/19/2010 5:10 PM
[Choose #5] ALL THE ABOVE mainly price,location, and travel hassle
Padidiver88 - 7/19/2010 5:01 PM
[Choose #1] Also the availabilty of a dive buddy.
SGdiver - 7/19/2010 4:43 PM
[Choose #2] Price just because I’m poor
DivinDiva57 - 7/19/2010 4:39 PM
[Choose #2] I want to dive everywhere, but can’t afford much becuase of the economics. So I opt for more affordable dives.
ScubaSteveMd - 7/19/2010 4:32 PM
[Choose #2] A place may have great diving, but at the end of the day, there is a budget.