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Your favorite dive buddy.
ncdiveinstructor - 8/03/2009 7:28 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 68

How often do you dive with the same dive buddy.
flaski - 9/12/2009 3:22 PM
[Choose #2] The best buddies I have I met via this site.
dalehall - 9/12/2009 7:56 AM
[Choose #3] Schedules get harder and harder to synch up.
lreese2 - 8/21/2009 3:37 AM
[Choose #5] I’m usually on vacation by myself
MDW - 8/09/2009 5:57 PM
[Choose #2] I have about 10 buddies, so about 99% of the time I’m with one of them.
steelheadfish - 8/07/2009 11:23 AM
[Choose #1] ive gone thru a ton of buddys so the two i have r priceless id rather replace the wife their easy to come by
Matt65 - 8/05/2009 3:33 AM
[Choose #4] Should also have been a "Not as often as I would like to" catagory
DiveBuddyChgo - 8/04/2009 6:16 PM
[Choose #3] There is just divers I dive with about half the time and other just less but none all the time..
seawolfdiving - 8/04/2009 5:31 PM
[Choose #5] can’t dive with my favorite buddy anymore, she died last year. Maybe I’ll find another some day...
Catman - 8/04/2009 3:16 PM
[Choose #1] My wife is the best divebuddy you can have, she wants to be in the water as much or more than me, and it doesn’t matter where.
daz88 - 8/04/2009 3:11 PM
[Choose #5] alot of the time diving solo taking pix :)
ArchimedesPrinciple - 8/04/2009 3:02 PM
[Choose #1] its handy to have your wife as a buddy
LatitudeAdjustment - 8/04/2009 7:39 AM
[Choose #4] I don’t have any travel buddies with the time off that I have so I have a few I do trips with each year. At home I’m usually solo.
Love2DiveGirl - 8/04/2009 7:38 AM
[Choose #4] Person I was certified with does like to dive, always looking for new buddies.
MonkeyDiver - 8/03/2009 8:04 PM
[Choose #2] Most of the time when diving for fun my buddy is from the same group of dive buddies.
divemaiden - 8/03/2009 7:56 PM
[Choose #4] for club dives, different people show up at different dives, but mostly the same crowd, on vaca. it’s dive with whoever dives that day