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#1974 & Diving
nauidiver - 4/01/2009 8:04 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 197

Since the start of your use of this website, has your diving activity’s increased ?
rxatrix - 4/18/2009 8:22 AM
[Choose #4] I still log close to 300 dives a year.
DiveGirl55 - 4/13/2009 11:48 AM
[Choose #4] NO, but my KNOWLEDGE HAS!
csemenko - 4/13/2009 5:49 AM
[Choose #4] I was diving and plan to dive regardless. It has broadened my buddy options.
pmombourquette - 4/12/2009 12:50 PM
[Choose #4] No buddies from, I’m already diving as much as I can
sisner - 4/11/2009 10:26 AM
[Choose #4] I won’t be able to dive until the summer
PROTEC - 4/11/2009 6:33 AM
[Choose #4] In the water between 14 and 21 times a week. More would be rediculous
joediver60 - 4/10/2009 4:22 PM
[Choose #1] I’ve had the opportunity to meet more local divers, some have become real close friends.
Scubadad2 - 4/09/2009 6:49 PM
[Choose #4] a small medical condition has kept me out of the water for the last year. Hopefully I can get cleared withing the next 6 months.
diverdanielle - 4/09/2009 4:46 PM
[Choose #4] no but its more fun to talk about it to members
scubadad - 4/08/2009 7:54 PM
[Choose #4] It’s stayed the same
scubajoe - 4/08/2009 5:26 PM
[Choose #3] not yet but it will soon
CalebL - 4/08/2009 9:46 AM
[Choose #4] Still to cold locally( needs me a dry suit)
Anne_of_the_Sea - 4/08/2009 6:49 AM
[Choose #1] now I have plenty of buddies, so greg what can you do about the weather here on the florida panhandle.
King - 4/08/2009 2:26 AM
[Choose #4] To damn cold this time of year, even dry!
Capt - 4/08/2009 12:59 AM
[Choose #1] and interaction with other divers / old friends
DeepBlueWater - 4/07/2009 1:40 PM
[Choose #4] Looking and waiting for buddies in Monterey, et al
kramsmustang - 4/07/2009 7:15 AM
[Choose #4] I dive all the time
SCUBASMITTY - 4/06/2009 10:26 PM
flaski - 4/06/2009 10:08 PM
[Choose #1] Just about every buddy on first page of buddy list with check was met via divebuddy and first 2 rows are best buds
tardmaster - 4/06/2009 6:40 PM
[Choose #1] i am now a working divemaster
scott - 4/06/2009 6:10 PM
[Choose #1] net two folks that I dive with 4 or 5 times a year
MNDiveLady - 4/06/2009 5:51 PM
[Choose #4] Soon as the ice is off the lakes!
jreitz1 - 4/06/2009 5:34 PM
[Choose #1] I have met some divebuddies that offered me further chances to dive and meet new friends.
Anthony - 4/06/2009 5:16 PM
[Choose #4] My diving hasn’t increased but it is due to the time I have to dive.
Matt65 - 4/06/2009 4:09 PM
[Choose #1] Definately increased
DanM - 4/06/2009 8:35 AM
[Choose #4] i dive every chance i get, has nothing to do with forums
lreese2 - 4/06/2009 6:40 AM
[Choose #4] My work schedule and days off are my problem
Don - 4/06/2009 3:02 AM
[Choose #4] stayed the same........
Offshore454 - 4/05/2009 11:20 PM
[Choose #2] Already dive a lot.
sps3006 - 4/05/2009 9:10 PM
[Choose #1] This site has increased both my dive time and my interest in diving
hoofpick - 4/05/2009 6:42 PM
[Choose #2] if I am not diving more I am certainly talking to other divers way more often and keeping diving in the fore front of my thoughts.
speara - 4/05/2009 2:44 PM
[Choose #4] but it will soon now the water is warmer
pitter - 4/05/2009 2:38 PM
[Choose #2] haven’t been a member long enough to tell but it shows potential
Buzo - 4/04/2009 6:00 PM
[Choose #3] no, due to economics, but my interaction with other divers has increased
outinaboot - 4/03/2009 8:40 PM
[Choose #1] spending more at LDS
OHWceta - 4/03/2009 8:17 PM
[Choose #3] I joined this site, then the economy sunk, so no money for dive trips.
Condor - 4/03/2009 6:42 PM
[Choose #4] Not because of DiveBuddy, but because of health problems of a gamily member. Things will get better now and I think DiveBuddy will be a big influence.
akdiver27 - 4/03/2009 4:39 PM
[Choose #4] still dive a couple times a week
Tsmith0711 - 4/03/2009 4:39 PM
[Choose #4] but the weather has not cooperated yet.
Bobo - 4/03/2009 4:36 PM
[Choose #1] you have our banner pic, usually every Sunday in OC
scubaclay - 4/03/2009 1:55 PM
[Choose #3] Not sure, but I have met a lot of great people.
Plang - 4/03/2009 12:43 PM
[Choose #4] I am diving more, but not because of this site.
Damieon - 4/03/2009 10:15 AM
[Choose #4] Diving has not increased due to finances but I have found many contacts in which to gain useful knowledge for future dives.
charstew - 4/03/2009 9:26 AM
[Choose #2] It’s to cold... : )
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/03/2009 9:19 AM
[Choose #4] The H2o is too cold here and haven’t flown south yet :)
Argonaut - 4/03/2009 9:08 AM
[Choose #4] but I’m a new member
Tibbar23 - 4/03/2009 7:41 AM
[Choose #4] due to newborn
Nitrox32Rocks - 4/02/2009 9:19 PM
[Choose #1] Always Diving, Just alot more DiveBuddies!
evansglenda - 4/02/2009 8:37 PM
[Choose #4] winter-not much opportunity
MidTennDiver - 4/02/2009 6:13 PM
[Choose #4] I was already diving as much as my wife would let me!
seawolfdiving - 4/02/2009 4:51 PM
[Choose #4] diving activity not increased, but variety of dive buddies has increased...
Wakemaker - 4/02/2009 4:47 PM
[Choose #1] Plus, I started putting together my 1st cold water dive "kit!" Thanks to divebuddy I am always spend my extra cash!
Catman - 4/02/2009 3:07 PM
[Choose #4] I already dove every chance I got, but I have went to some different places just to meet divebuddy members!
ArchimedesPrinciple - 4/02/2009 2:32 PM
[Choose #2] Actual diving has not increased YET bu the wanting to go has increased immensely
TexasDiver - 4/02/2009 2:30 PM
[Choose #4] no, because I’m always on the site looking for new buddies
MDW - 4/02/2009 11:12 AM
[Choose #2] Mostly unrelated to this site.
Rich-D-Fish - 4/02/2009 9:29 AM
[Choose #1] Easily doubled
nitrox4me - 4/02/2009 9:16 AM
[Choose #2] I dive often looking for divers that want the same
ScubaSteve63 - 4/02/2009 8:49 AM
[Choose #4] haven’t begun diving this year, yet.
DiveNClimb - 4/02/2009 8:46 AM
[Choose #4] My Budget determines that.
gene02 - 4/01/2009 8:24 PM
[Choose #3] I will know soon just joined