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WHAT’s in your FINS?
DiveGirl55 - 9/29/2008 9:49 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 80

Do you wear boots with your fins, or do you just slip your footsies in them?
Eric_R - 10/18/2018 9:46 PM
[Choose #1] Gotta keep them warm
MDW - 12/23/2008 10:01 AM
[Choose #1] 5 out of 6 pair work best with boots. one pair is footsie
NWKatShark - 11/30/2008 2:29 PM
[Choose #1] Drysuit
akdiver27 - 11/15/2008 6:12 PM
[Choose #1] Toasty warm dry feet I love drysuits
mo - 11/01/2008 2:44 PM
[Choose #1] Bare feet in the UK, Blue feet is what you would have
samisus - 10/15/2008 12:12 PM
[Choose #1] Drysuit
MouthBreather - 10/11/2008 11:57 AM
[Choose #1] Booties for my footsies.
zraven - 10/09/2008 5:58 PM
[Choose #1] boots, and inside those FEET!
pmombourquette - 10/05/2008 8:35 PM
[Choose #1] Need boots, water is way too cold to go bare foot, but the boots are Bare.
legaleagle - 10/01/2008 3:25 PM
[Choose #1] I get a kick out of them.
CallesCafe - 10/01/2008 2:13 PM
[Choose #1] Tusa Shorties are in em, and my cute lil toes.
seawolfdiving - 9/30/2008 5:45 PM
[Choose #1] Very Thick Boots...!
iScuba - 9/30/2008 10:19 AM
[Choose #1] booties, but I want full foot fins too
Greg - 9/30/2008 10:14 AM
[Choose #2] full foot fins...doesn’t get that cold in Texas.
MonkeyDiver - 9/30/2008 12:00 AM
[Choose #1] Boots for California diving, bare feet for tropical.
divershaun - 9/29/2008 11:18 PM
[Choose #1] diving fins, i wear booties, bodyboarding fins, nothing
HogLifer - 9/29/2008 10:26 PM
[Choose #1] it’s cold up here