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Ideas for new requirements before members can send messages.
Greg - 11/12/2010 8:28 AM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 20

I’d like to gather your thoughts on ways to restrict new members from sending unsolicited messages.

This is what I have in place now to limit unsolicited messages: a max number of messages per day...and...each new member must have a valid email address.

What other ideas do you have that will limit unsolicited messages but still keep DiveBuddy free and easy to use for real divers?

What about limiting messages to members that are on your buddy list only? And if you want to send a message to someone first, they have to accept your buddy request? Should comments be the same way?

What about not allowing anyone to send a message until they’ve logged in for X number of days or racked up a certain number of reward points? This would require a bit more activity on the part of a new member, but would deter spammers.

Thank you for any ideas you have.


Member #1
LatitudeAdjustment - 11/12/2010 9:13 AM
From Greg:

What about limiting messages to members that are on your buddy list only? And if you want to send a message to someone first, they have to accept your buddy request? Should comments be the same way?

What about not allowing anyone to send a message until they’ve logged in for X number of days or racked up a certain number of reward points? This would require a bit more activity on the part of a new member, but would deter spammers.

Thank you for any ideas you have.


Member #1

I like the time limit idea and messages per day limit but my "Buddy list" is people I have dove with or would like to some day.

I do send and receive messages from others on a regular basis and I like commenting on the photos or asking for more detail about them. Having to be accepted as a buddy first would probably mean I wouldn’t get many answers.
Rich-D-Fish - 11/12/2010 9:30 AM
As long as one can only send messages to their "buddies" I don’t think it will become an issue. Well, at least to those of us who don’t accept just every person who makes a buddy request. Over the last couple years I have only needed to turn down maybe 4-5 members who looked to be spammers instead of someone looking for a dive buddy. Therefore, I only get messages once or twice a year from one member who runs a charter business in No. Calif. And I’m on the verge of Un-friending them since it’s obvious we will never dive together. Huh, just realized I have never un-friended anyone before. Will have to look into how to get that done.

As far as adding extra requirements or milestones you need to hit before you can send more messages, I think that will just turn people off and maybe slow the growth of the site.

Perhaps, you can add a feature to the site "Report a Spammer." You don’t have to take one member’s word for it. But once you hit say 5 members who complain, it’s time for Greg to addios them :-)

SaintsReturn - 11/12/2010 11:15 AM
The profile points idea doesnt seem to far off as ling as you dont have to do anything past comfortable with the profile. I recently logged into a website for motorcycles and have not logged in since the second time becuase before you can post, email or even view links you have to meet some kind of timeline criteria and other restrictions and now i dont feel llike logging in there... just a thought, i dont like the timeline idea to much for the sake of our new and curious members out there. Good luck
hardhat06 - 11/12/2010 1:10 PM
This sounds like a good place to start with
divershades - 11/12/2010 4:03 PM
well im new here to the site and one of the thing i was thinking, but mite be hard to work computer wise is that all divers have a cert # of some sort. If there was a way enter your cert# in to say yes this a true preson or no its computer or non divers looking advertise. like i said its a long shot.
rashley - 11/12/2010 4:16 PM
What about limiting new members to sending messages only to their dive buddies, then after x number of points, they can send to other members? This would stop the spammers who just jump on and send spam, but would allow those who stick around as regulars to comment and message without excessive restrictions.
AOW_dude - 11/12/2010 5:07 PM
From ScubaRich:

Perhaps, you can add a feature to the site "Report a Spammer." You don’t have to take one member’s word for it. But once you hit say 5 members who complain, it’s time for Greg to addios them :-)


Sounds like a good idea. Although most pages on DB do have a little "Report" link at the bottom, the messages don’t have it. Adding "Mark as spam" feature to messages would make sense.
Indiana - 11/12/2010 7:56 PM
I think limit their messages until they hit a certain number of points.That way your know they are here for the site not just joining to message their spam.Good Luck
sadfish - 11/12/2010 11:48 PM

Hi Greg,

I like the ’’ report a spammer’’ idea. I also feel the same as Latitude Adjustment on making comments

SCUBASMITTY - 11/13/2010 12:19 AM
What about not allowing anyone to send a message until they’ve logged in for X number of days or racked up a certain number of reward points? This would require a bit more activity on the part of a new member, but would deter spammers. END QUOTE,

Greg - 11/14/2010 9:15 AM

Thank you for the comments!

Taking all your ideas into consideration, here’s what I’m thinking of doing:

- Limit new members to 10 messages/comments per day (buddy list or not).
- After members earn 50 reward points, the limit is increased to 25 messages/comments per day (of course if they become a paid member, these limits are automatically increased to even more).
- Add link to messages to "Report Spam", which will automatically delete the profile if several, different members report the same profile.

Again, thank you for your comments and thank you for being DiveBuddy members.


Greg Davis
Member #1
LatitudeAdjustment - 11/15/2010 10:19 AM

From divershades: well im new here to the site and one of the thing i was thinking, but mite be hard to work computer wise is that all divers have a cert # of some sort. If there was a way enter your cert# in to say yes this a true preson or no its computer or non divers looking advertise. like i said its a long shot.

What about people who are just getting into diving and are not certified yet, they can’t ask questions?

I was certified before they were numbered and some of the other certifications I’ve taken I didn’t buy the card so no number. Only my EANx card has a number.
WarmWaterTurner - 11/15/2010 2:35 PM

Hey Greg,

I like the idea of a member having to make a number of log-ons before being allowed to email. A number of other sites require five to ten log-ons before mailing. Also, I would really limit the number of email for nonsubscribing members to only a couple per day. I am concerned that to disallow email without a buddy confirmation might hurt. I really appreciated being able to email divers and ask about their experience at a certain site that they list - without trying to get a buddy approval first. Thanks for all you guys do!
blairsp - 11/17/2010 10:24 AM

Seems like an odd topic Greg. Exactly what problem are you trying to solve?
UWnewbee - 11/20/2010 3:42 AM
Do the mods fall into this as well with messages since we do correspond with members with problems and with buddys? 
impilcature - 11/20/2010 5:17 AM
another idea that is rough on new members is having a minimum number of posts before you can send private messages. Again... It is rough on new users needing a question answered but it seems to take care of the problem.
Greg - 11/29/2010 9:25 AM
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that provided feedback. I greatly appreciate your comments and support.