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NC diving / U-352
squirt - 9/30/2009 2:42 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 8

I have an opportunity to travel to NC between Christmas and New Years. I was wondering if anyone knows of the local dive shops and can recommend anyone. I would love to try to get one to two days of diving in and maybe out to the U-352, but would love to do some diving either way.

If you can recommend a shop, thanks! If you can join me, even better!

Thanks, Squirt (Mark)
LatitudeAdjustment - 9/30/2009 3:12 PM
Olympus diving got me there, there is also Ken at Tortugas Charters also in Morehead but he has a six pack which makes your vote on where to go count more. Being a six pack also means he could get blown out easier so you have choices to make. Both have bunk houses if you are looking to save money.
ncdiveinstructor - 10/01/2009 8:32 PM

Olympus divers and Discovery diving are both great outfits to dive with. I had to carry my gear just a little further when diving with Discovery.
dalehall - 10/02/2009 7:03 AM
I will always give the nod to Olympus Dive Center.
Nema and the crew are great folks to deal with..
Try to make it to the Spar also for the sharks.. My best two-tank with them included the U-352 and sharks.. You can’t get much better than that, IMO..
squirt - 10/02/2009 8:25 AM
Thank you all for your responses. I did get in touch with Olympus and they do not go out to the U-352 during the week between christmas and new year. That sucks for me, just because that is the time that I will be down there. I will still see if they have any dives at all going out as we get closer to christmas.

thanks all and the U-352 is on my to-do-list!
scubaclay - 10/03/2009 11:07 AM
Lots of good dive shops in NC, but the most improtant thing is to do the 352. That is a MUST do dive.
dalehall - 10/04/2009 9:14 AM

Someone can correct me here if I’m wrong (and they normally do) :) But, I heard the best time of the year to dive the Outer Banks is late July to mid August for weather, temps, currents, etc.. That’s when we scheduled ours.. The temps were awesome!! The current at the 352 was pretty much ripping, but, the other wrecks we did had very little current.
Just some FYI if you plan a future trip..
MAC431 - 10/14/2009 11:37 AM

I have been diving the outbanks for 10 years now and the best time to go is mid June thru the end of November, however there is still some descent diving in the winter when the seas are typically calm and water temps offshore are still in the low 60 range which is not bad. You just need to find an operation that is operating during those months.

firediver57 - 10/26/2009 8:52 PM
We highly recommend Olympus. good accommadations too. Call us for help if you need it. SEAduction Dive Services 910-892-7878 Have fun! Carmine