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Point Vicente Cardiac Hill
Event Date Sat, June 4, 2011
Event Location Rancho Palos Verdes, CA



8:00 am is showing sweet conditions all day. 2ft swells, 70 degrees slightly cloudy, tide is a 4 footer started at a minus 0.75 at 6am building to 3.45 by 1pm. Should be nice!!


hcdiveteambrian - 6/03/2011 1:59 PM
HardcoreDiveTeam has made a change concerning June 4th 2011 Point Vicente aka Cardiac Hill dives: The dives have rescheduled for a future date. If anyone still plans to go to Cardiac Hill have fun. It’s one of the best trails to start on, if you haven’t "hiked" Palos Verdes in full dive gear. The reason for our change is Hardcorediveteam’s services have been requested to investigate and continue an ongoing project. Sorry if there’s been any inconvenience. NBTT is gonna be at Christmas Tree Cove on Sunday morning!! Another excellent dive site.