To find a local dive buddy using DiveBuddy.com, click on the
Search page and enter information such as:
1. Choose "Scuba Diver" as the Member Type
2. Enter your zip code and distance to search within (ie: 50 mile radius)
3. Choose your age range and/or gender (if that’s important to you)
4. Choose the "Number of Dives" a diver must have (if that’s important to you)
Then click the Search button. All matching results will be displayed. If no divers are found, try broadening your search criteria (ie: remove age/gender selection OR increase distance to search within). If there just aren’t any divers in your area on DiveBuddy.com, then contact your local dive center and ask them to start referring their divers/customers to our online community. It beats the old method of putting your name down on a sheet of paper inside the dive shop :)
Good luck finding a dive buddy! Dive safe and often.
Greg Davis